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Created March 28, 2019 17:04
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Making a table in LaTeX using TikZ of a triad census for directed graphs
% First row of triad census
[user/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=black!60,thick,text=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.5cm},
->,-stealth,line width = 2, black,
\node [user] (a) at (0,1.2) {};
\node [user] (b) at (.8,0) {};
\node [user] (c) at (-.8,0) {};
\end{tikzpicture} &
[user/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=black!60,thick,text=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.5cm},
->,-stealth,line width = 2, black,
\node [user] (a) at (0,1.2) {};
\node [user] (b) at (.8,0) {};
\node [user] (c) at (-.8,0) {};
(c) edge (a);
\end{tikzpicture} &
[user/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=black!60,thick,text=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.5cm},
->,-stealth,line width = 2, black,
\node [user] (a) at (0,1.2) {};
\node [user] (b) at (.8,0) {};
\node [user] (c) at (-.8,0) {};
(c) edge (a)
(a) edge (c);
\end{tikzpicture} &
[user/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=black!60,thick,text=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.5cm},
->,-stealth,line width = 2, black,
\node [user] (a) at (0,1.2) {};
\node [user] (b) at (.8,0) {};
\node [user] (c) at (-.8,0) {};
(a) edge (b)
(a) edge (c);
\end{tikzpicture} \\
003 & 012 & 102 & 021D \\ \\
% Second row
[user/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=black!60,thick,text=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.5cm},
->,-stealth,line width = 2, black,
\node [user] (a) at (0,1.2) {};
\node [user] (b) at (.8,0) {};
\node [user] (c) at (-.8,0) {};
(c) edge (a)
(b) edge (a);
\end{tikzpicture} &
[user/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=black!60,thick,text=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.5cm},
->,-stealth,line width = 2, black,
\node [user] (a) at (0,1.2) {};
\node [user] (b) at (.8,0) {};
\node [user] (c) at (-.8,0) {};
(c) edge (a)
(a) edge (b);
\end{tikzpicture} &
[user/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=black!60,thick,text=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.5cm},
->,-stealth,line width = 2, black,
\node [user] (a) at (0,1.2) {};
\node [user] (b) at (.8,0) {};
\node [user] (c) at (-.8,0) {};
(a) edge (b)
(b) edge (c)
(c) edge (b);
\end{tikzpicture} &
[user/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=black!60,thick,text=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.5cm},
->,-stealth,line width = 2, black,
\node [user] (a) at (0,1.2) {};
\node [user] (b) at (.8,0) {};
\node [user] (c) at (-.8,0) {};
(b) edge (a)
(b) edge (c)
(c) edge (b);
\end{tikzpicture} \\
021U & 021C & 111D & 111U \\ \\
% Third row
[user/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=black!60,thick,text=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.5cm},
->,-stealth,line width = 2, black,
\node [user] (a) at (0,1.2) {};
\node [user] (b) at (.8,0) {};
\node [user] (c) at (-.8,0) {};
(c) edge (a)
(b) edge (a)
(c) edge (b);
\end{tikzpicture} &
[user/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=black!60,thick,text=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.5cm},
->,-stealth,line width = 2, black,
\node [user] (a) at (0,1.2) {};
\node [user] (b) at (.8,0) {};
\node [user] (c) at (-.8,0) {};
(a) edge (c)
(c) edge (b)
(b) edge (a);
\end{tikzpicture} &
[user/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=black!60,thick,text=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.5cm},
->,-stealth,line width = 2, black,
\node [user] (a) at (0,1.2) {};
\node [user] (b) at (.8,0) {};
\node [user] (c) at (-.8,0) {};
(a) edge (c)
(c) edge (a)
(b) edge (c)
(c) edge (b)
\end{tikzpicture} &
[user/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=black!60,thick,text=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.5cm},
->,-stealth,line width = 2, black,
\node [user] (a) at (0,1.2) {};
\node [user] (b) at (.8,0) {};
\node [user] (c) at (-.8,0) {};
(a) edge (b)
(a) edge (c)
(b) edge (c)
(c) edge (b);
\end{tikzpicture} \\
030T & 030C & 201 & 120D \\ \\
% Fourth row
[user/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=black!60,thick,text=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.5cm},
->,-stealth,line width = 2, black,
\node [user] (a) at (0,1.2) {};
\node [user] (b) at (.8,0) {};
\node [user] (c) at (-.8,0) {};
(b) edge (a)
(c) edge (a)
(b) edge (c)
(c) edge (b);
\end{tikzpicture} &
[user/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=black!60,thick,text=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.5cm},
->,-stealth,line width = 2, black,
\node [user] (a) at (0,1.2) {};
\node [user] (b) at (.8,0) {};
\node [user] (c) at (-.8,0) {};
(a) edge (b)
(c) edge (a)
(b) edge (c)
(c) edge (b);
\end{tikzpicture} &
[user/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=black!60,thick,text=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.5cm},
->,-stealth,line width = 2, black,
\node [user] (a) at (0,1.2) {};
\node [user] (b) at (.8,0) {};
\node [user] (c) at (-.8,0) {};
(a) edge (b)
(b) edge (a)
(c) edge (a)
(b) edge (c)
(c) edge (b);
\end{tikzpicture} &
[user/.style={circle,draw=black,fill=black!60,thick,text=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=.5cm},
->,-stealth,line width = 2, black,
\node [user] (a) at (0,1.2) {};
\node [user] (b) at (.8,0) {};
\node [user] (c) at (-.8,0) {};
(a) edge (b)
(b) edge (a)
(a) edge (c)
(c) edge (a)
(b) edge (c)
(c) edge (b);
\end{tikzpicture} \\
120U & 120C & 210 & 300
\caption{Configurations of a triad census.}
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stepazar commented Jun 2, 2021

Thanks for the script. To work out properly there should be an additional semicolon in the end of line 143.

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