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Last active November 18, 2023 05:07
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Save brianjhanson/17e33b1d008fd69e3ea5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function the_date_range($args) {
global $post;
$default = array(
'start_field' => 'start_date',
'end_field' => null,
'base_format' => 'Ymd',
'post_id' => $post->ID,
'separator' => '<span class="date-separator">&ndash;</span>',
'month_format' => 'F',
'day_format' => 'j',
'year_format' => 'Y'
$s = array_intersect_key($args + $default, $default);
$start = get_field($s['start_field'], $s['post_id']);
$end = get_field($s['end_field'], $s['post_id']);
// Checks to make sure the start is a valid field
if($start) {
$raw_dates['start'] = DateTime::createFromFormat( $s['base_format'], $start );
} else {
// Adds end field if there is one
if( $end ) {
$raw_dates['end'] = DateTime::createFromFormat( $s['base_format'], $end );
// Sets up the $dates array
foreach($raw_dates as $key => $value) {
$dates[$key] = array(
'month' =>$value->format($s['month_format']),
'day' => $value->format($s['day_format']),
'year' => $value->format($s['year_format'])
// if the years aren't the same the whole output has to change so we check that
// at the beginning
if($dates['start']['year'] == $dates['end']['year']) {
// if years are the same and months are the same
if($dates['start']['month'] == $dates['end']['month']) {
// if years, months and days are the same (same date in both fields)
if($dates['start']['day'] == $dates['end']['day']) {
$range = $dates['start']['month']." ".$dates['start']['day'].", ".$dates['start']['year'];
// if years and months are the same but not days
} else {
$range = $dates['start']['month']." ".$dates['start']['day'].$s['separator'].$dates['end']['day'].", ".$dates['start']['year'];
// if years are the same but months are not the same
} else {
$range = $dates['start']['month']." ".$dates['start']['day'].$s['separator'].$dates['end']['month']." ".$dates['end']['day'].", ".$dates['start']['year'];
} else {
$range = $dates['start']['month']." ".$dates['start']['day'].", ".$dates['start']['year'].$s['separator'].$dates['end']['month']." ".$dates['end']['day'].", ".$dates['end']['year'];
echo $range;
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Hi - where is this code supposed to echo out to? I have it in my functions file but cannot find the results on the back or front end.

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@keishabien it won't output anything by default, you'd need to call the_date_range($args) in your template, where $args is an array of values like this.

That being said, as others reported this snippet probably doesn't work anymore. Sorry everyone, I somehow missed that people were trying to use it and haven't kept it updated at all.

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Thanks for the quick reply Brian! I will test out what you mentioned and see if I can get that to work. It's interesting that ACF still doesn't seem to have this feature natively. Cheers!

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@brianjhanson hi again! I correctly called the function and was able to get it to display my date range. Thanks again for replying!

@atazminhlk 's answer was also key to my solution - setting the field names and base format correctly. The ACF field return format should match the base_format in the $args array.

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@keishabien 🎉 glad you got it working!

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LukeF12 commented Nov 18, 2023

Great work, thanks so much for doing this.

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