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Last active December 9, 2022 20:18
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  • Save brianmcallister/2932463 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save brianmcallister/2932463 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sass mixin for a responsive box that maintains an aspect ratio.
// Maintain ratio mixin. Great for responsive grids, or videos.
// $ratio - Ratio the element needs to maintain.
// Examples
// // A 16:9 ratio would look like this:
// .element {
// @include maintain-ratio(16 9);
// }
@mixin maintain-ratio($ratio: 1 1) {
@if length($ratio) < 2 or length($ratio) > 2 {
@warn "$ratio must be a list with two values.";
$width: 100%;
$height: percentage(nth($ratio, 2) / nth($ratio, 1));
width: $width;
height: 0;
padding-bottom: $height;
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Note this fails in the current Firefox

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