- Check the canonical versioning algorithm and version don't contradict each other
- Add a warning that the canonical URL is highly recommended
- if status = published, ensure that has a canonical URL
- information/warning if derivedFRom isn't a versioned canonical URL
- Should subjectType and launch context be the same?
- Check the copyright label is from the set of approved licenses?
- Should there be some date checks on the approved, review and date etc?
- definitionBased flag
- anything needed for the replaces extension?
- Validate libraries? (from behaviour profile)
- validate all the root level expressions
- Check for any cqf-calculatedValue extensions - these must produce the same datatype as the property that they are attached to
- Check other fhirpath expressions
- itemExtractionContext
- itemPopulationContext
- SourceQueries
- assembleContext - I need to dig into this one more - will need to resolve the subQuestionnaire to check what names are needed
When proceeding to the item level validations the fhirpath symbol table should include:
- access to the definition- launchContexts
- variables
- assembleContext if appropriate
- definition is a real thing (reference to a real structuredefinition, and element within that snapshot too)
- enableWhen refers to existing linkIds & datatypes match
- enableWhenExpression valid and output datatypes match?
- minValue/maxValue/minLength/maxLength only on appriopriate datatypes
- minQuantity/maxQuantity only on quantity types
- answerOptions match the datatype of the item
- intialValue matches the datatype of the item
- initialExpression matches the datatype of the item
- valid regex
- fhirpath expressions are valid
- variable
- initialExpression
- Check that properties are only entered where they are valid for the item's datatype
- Check that the item control is appropriate for the datatype