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Created October 28, 2023 18:52
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claim tokens
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "./interface/IDrop.sol";
import "../lib/MerkleProof.sol";
abstract contract Drop is IDrop {
State variables
/// @dev The active conditions for claiming tokens.
ClaimConditionList public claimCondition;
Drop logic
/// @dev Lets an account claim tokens.
function claim(
address _receiver,
uint256 _quantity,
address _currency,
uint256 _pricePerToken,
AllowlistProof calldata _allowlistProof,
bytes memory _data
) public payable virtual override {
_beforeClaim(_receiver, _quantity, _currency, _pricePerToken, _allowlistProof, _data);
uint256 activeConditionId = getActiveClaimConditionId();
verifyClaim(activeConditionId, _dropMsgSender(), _quantity, _currency, _pricePerToken, _allowlistProof);
// Update contract state.
claimCondition.conditions[activeConditionId].supplyClaimed += _quantity;
claimCondition.supplyClaimedByWallet[activeConditionId][_dropMsgSender()] += _quantity;
// If there's a price, collect price.
_collectPriceOnClaim(address(0), _quantity, _currency, _pricePerToken);
// Mint the relevant tokens to claimer.
uint256 startTokenId = _transferTokensOnClaim(_receiver, _quantity);
emit TokensClaimed(activeConditionId, _dropMsgSender(), _receiver, startTokenId, _quantity);
_afterClaim(_receiver, _quantity, _currency, _pricePerToken, _allowlistProof, _data);
/// @dev Lets a contract admin set claim conditions.
function setClaimConditions(ClaimCondition[] calldata _conditions, bool _resetClaimEligibility)
if (!_canSetClaimConditions()) {
revert("Not authorized");
uint256 existingStartIndex = claimCondition.currentStartId;
uint256 existingPhaseCount = claimCondition.count;
* The mapping `supplyClaimedByWallet` uses a claim condition's UID as a key.
* If `_resetClaimEligibility == true`, we assign completely new UIDs to the claim
* conditions in `_conditions`, effectively resetting the restrictions on claims expressed
* by `supplyClaimedByWallet`.
uint256 newStartIndex = existingStartIndex;
if (_resetClaimEligibility) {
newStartIndex = existingStartIndex + existingPhaseCount;
claimCondition.count = _conditions.length;
claimCondition.currentStartId = newStartIndex;
uint256 lastConditionStartTimestamp;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _conditions.length; i++) {
require(i == 0 || lastConditionStartTimestamp < _conditions[i].startTimestamp, "ST");
uint256 supplyClaimedAlready = claimCondition.conditions[newStartIndex + i].supplyClaimed;
if (supplyClaimedAlready > _conditions[i].maxClaimableSupply) {
revert("max supply claimed");
claimCondition.conditions[newStartIndex + i] = _conditions[i];
claimCondition.conditions[newStartIndex + i].supplyClaimed = supplyClaimedAlready;
lastConditionStartTimestamp = _conditions[i].startTimestamp;
* Gas refunds (as much as possible)
* If `_resetClaimEligibility == true`, we assign completely new UIDs to the claim
* conditions in `_conditions`. So, we delete claim conditions with UID < `newStartIndex`.
* If `_resetClaimEligibility == false`, and there are more existing claim conditions
* than in `_conditions`, we delete the existing claim conditions that don't get replaced
* by the conditions in `_conditions`.
if (_resetClaimEligibility) {
for (uint256 i = existingStartIndex; i < newStartIndex; i++) {
delete claimCondition.conditions[i];
} else {
if (existingPhaseCount > _conditions.length) {
for (uint256 i = _conditions.length; i < existingPhaseCount; i++) {
delete claimCondition.conditions[newStartIndex + i];
emit ClaimConditionsUpdated(_conditions, _resetClaimEligibility);
/// @dev Checks a request to claim NFTs against the active claim condition's criteria.
function verifyClaim(
uint256 _conditionId,
address _claimer,
uint256 _quantity,
address _currency,
uint256 _pricePerToken,
AllowlistProof calldata _allowlistProof
) public view returns (bool isOverride) {
ClaimCondition memory currentClaimPhase = claimCondition.conditions[_conditionId];
uint256 claimLimit = currentClaimPhase.quantityLimitPerWallet;
uint256 claimPrice = currentClaimPhase.pricePerToken;
address claimCurrency = currentClaimPhase.currency;
if (currentClaimPhase.merkleRoot != bytes32(0)) {
(isOverride, ) = MerkleProof.verify(
if (isOverride) {
claimLimit = _allowlistProof.quantityLimitPerWallet != 0
? _allowlistProof.quantityLimitPerWallet
: claimLimit;
claimPrice = _allowlistProof.pricePerToken != type(uint256).max
? _allowlistProof.pricePerToken
: claimPrice;
claimCurrency = _allowlistProof.pricePerToken != type(uint256).max && _allowlistProof.currency != address(0)
? _allowlistProof.currency
: claimCurrency;
uint256 supplyClaimedByWallet = claimCondition.supplyClaimedByWallet[_conditionId][_claimer];
if (_currency != claimCurrency || _pricePerToken != claimPrice) {
if (_quantity == 0 || (_quantity + supplyClaimedByWallet > claimLimit)) {
if (currentClaimPhase.supplyClaimed + _quantity > currentClaimPhase.maxClaimableSupply) {
if (currentClaimPhase.startTimestamp > block.timestamp) {
revert("cant claim yet");
/// @dev At any given moment, returns the uid for the active claim condition.
function getActiveClaimConditionId() public view returns (uint256) {
for (uint256 i = claimCondition.currentStartId + claimCondition.count; i > claimCondition.currentStartId; i--) {
if (block.timestamp >= claimCondition.conditions[i - 1].startTimestamp) {
return i - 1;
/// @dev Returns the claim condition at the given uid.
function getClaimConditionById(uint256 _conditionId) external view returns (ClaimCondition memory condition) {
condition = claimCondition.conditions[_conditionId];
/// @dev Returns the supply claimed by claimer for a given conditionId.
function getSupplyClaimedByWallet(uint256 _conditionId, address _claimer)
returns (uint256 supplyClaimedByWallet)
supplyClaimedByWallet = claimCondition.supplyClaimedByWallet[_conditionId][_claimer];
Optional hooks that can be implemented in the derived contract
/// @dev Exposes the ability to override the msg sender.
function _dropMsgSender() internal virtual returns (address) {
return msg.sender;
/// @dev Runs before every `claim` function call.
function _beforeClaim(
address _receiver,
uint256 _quantity,
address _currency,
uint256 _pricePerToken,
AllowlistProof calldata _allowlistProof,
bytes memory _data
) internal virtual {}
/// @dev Runs after every `claim` function call.
function _afterClaim(
address _receiver,
uint256 _quantity,
address _currency,
uint256 _pricePerToken,
AllowlistProof calldata _allowlistProof,
bytes memory _data
) internal virtual {}
Virtual functions: to be implemented in derived contract
/// @dev Collects and distributes the primary sale value of NFTs being claimed.
function _collectPriceOnClaim(
address _primarySaleRecipient,
uint256 _quantityToClaim,
address _currency,
uint256 _pricePerToken
) internal virtual;
/// @dev Transfers the NFTs being claimed.
function _transferTokensOnClaim(address _to, uint256 _quantityBeingClaimed)
returns (uint256 startTokenId);
/// @dev Determine what wallet can update claim conditions
function _canSetClaimConditions() internal view virtual returns (bool);
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