To get the most out of the Twitter Ads API workshop, make sure you come with your laptop ready to go. This workshop relies on your participation and there are just a few things you need to have ready ahead of time to make sure your development environment is setup and ready to go.
OS X and most unix-based platforms come ready to go with what you'll need to participate in this workshop. Just make sure you've got Ruby 2.0.0 or higher by running ruby -v
from your terminal.
$ ruby -v
ruby 2.0.0p643 (2015-02-25 revision 49749) [x86_64-darwin14.1.0]
If need a newer version of Ruby you can install that using Homebrew:
$ brew update
$ brew install rbenv ruby-build
$ echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' > .bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
Download and install the latest 2.1.x Ruby Installer. Once you have that installed, you can continue along in your command prompt by going to Start > Run and typing in cmd
If you're using another operating system, try running ruby -v
to see if you already have ruby installed. If you don't, you can install Ruby using your operating system's package manager. If you have trouble, grab a Twitter partner engineer and we have a Vagrant / VirtualBox VM that we can distribute.
You won't need much, but there are a few things you should install before-hand that will help you through this session. From your terminal or on Windows from your command prompt you'll need to run the follow.
gem install pry jsonpretty twurl
Note: For unix-based platforms, depending on how your Ruby installation is setup, you may need to run the above “gem install” commands with “sudo”.
You'll need to make sure you have access to and your white-listed Twitter Ads app. We won't need to make any changes, but you will need access to your consumer secret and consumer key for the application.
Tomorrow's session is highly interactive. You'll be using the Twitter Ads API straight from your computer. We want to walk you through your first API deployment and introduce you to the Twitter Ads platform, but we also want to hear about what you're building. You'll have lots of opportunity to ask directly ask the Twitter Ads engineering team questions.