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Last active February 29, 2020 03:52
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Code used in the reclosure tweet thread
## GPL-2
## Tweet 1
## From
add_with <- function(z) function(x, y) x + y + z
add_with(10)(1, 2) # works
butcher <- function(x, y, f) {
env <- new.env() # create a new environment
environment(f) <- env
butcher(1, 2, add_with(10)) # oh no!
## Tweet 2
## Substitute an option, but not completely
## robust to pathological functions.
add_with2 <- function(z)
eval(substitute(function(x,y) x + y + z))
butcher(1, 2, add_with2(10)) # yay
slaughter <- function(x, y, f) {
env <- new.env()
env[['+']] <- `-`
environment(f) <- env
f(x, y)
slaughter(1, 2, add_with2(10))
## Tweet 3
## Reclosures hold on to their enclosing env
reclosure <- function(f) {
e <- parent.frame()
body(f) <- bquote({
e <- parent.env(environment())
parent.env(e) <- .(e)
add_with_rc <- function(z) {
reclosure(function(x,y) {x + y + z})
butcher(1, 2, add_with_rc(10))
slaughter(1, 2, add_with_rc(10))
## Tweet 4
## Tweet 5
psycopath <- function(x, y, f) {
env <- new.env()
env[['{']] <- function(...) stop('boom smartass')
environment(f) <- env
f(x, y)
psycopath(1, 2, add_with_rc(10))
## Tweet 6
reclosure2 <- function(f) {
e <- parent.frame()
body(f) <- bquote(
.(get('{'))( # get b/c otherwise syntax highligher craps out
.(`<-`)(e, .(parent.env)(.(environment)(NULL))),
.(`parent.env<-`)(e, .(e))
) )
add_with_rc2 <- function(z) {
reclosure2(function(x,y) {x + y + z})
psycopath(1, 2, add_with_rc2(10))
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