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Last active April 1, 2018 17:27
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module Utils = {
let rec repeat = (whatToRepeat, howManyTimes) =>
switch howManyTimes {
| 0 => ""
| someNumber when howManyTimes > 0 => whatToRepeat ++ repeat(whatToRepeat, howManyTimes - 1)
| _ => ""
let rec makePairFromList = (xs) =>
switch xs {
| [] => []
| [a] => raise(Exit)
| [f, s,] => [(f, s), ...makePairFromList(tl)]
let rec range = (x) =>
switch x {
| 0 => []
| x when x > 0 => List.append([x], range(x - 1))
| _ => []
let splitBy = (by, str) => Str.split(Str.regexp(by), str);
/* it assumes that list is int */
let getAverage = (xs) => (List.fold_left((+), 0, xs) |> float) /. (List.length(xs) |> float);
/* Digit Explode */
let digitsExplode = (str) =>
Utils.splitBy("", str) |> => Utils.repeat(x, int_of_string(x)));
/* Parse */
type parse = {
name: string,
value: string
let parse = (str) =>
Utils.splitBy(" ", str)
|> Utils.makePairFromList
|> => {name: fst(x), value: snd(x)});
let sumMultiplesBelow = (x) =>
Utils.range(x - 1)
|> List.filter((x) => x mod 3 === 0 || x mod 5 === 0)
|> List.fold_left((+), 0);
let getDivisors = (x) => Utils.range(x) |> List.filter((id) => x mod id === 0) |> List.length;
let isAnagram = (s1, s2) => {
let sortedS1 = List.sort(compare, Utils.splitBy("", s1));
let sortedS2 = List.sort(compare, Utils.splitBy("", s2));
sortedS1 === sortedS2
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