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Created February 9, 2018 18:39
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This is the implementation of thinking in react using reason
type product = {
category: string,
price: string,
stocked: bool,
name: string
type products = list(product);
let products = [
{category: "Sporting Goods", price: "$49.99", stocked: true, name: "Football"},
{category: "Sporting Goods", price: "$9.99", stocked: true, name: "Baseball"},
{category: "Sporting Goods", price: "$29.99", stocked: false, name: "Basketball"},
{category: "Electronics", price: "$99.99", stocked: true, name: "iPod Touch"},
{category: "Electronics", price: "$399.99", stocked: false, name: "iPhone 5"},
{category: "Electronics", price: "$199.99", stocked: true, name: "Nexus 7"}
module ProductCategoryRow = {
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("ProductCategoryRow");
let make = (~category, _children) => {
render: (_self) => <tr> <th colSpan=2> (ReasonReact.stringToElement(category)) </th> </tr>
module ProductRow = {
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("ProductRow");
let make = (~product, _children) => {
render: (_self) =>
<td> (ReasonReact.stringToElement( </td>
<td> (ReasonReact.stringToElement(product.price)) </td>
module ProductTable = {
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("ProductTable");
let make = (~showProductInStock, ~filteredText=?, ~products, _children) => {
render: (_self) => {
let textValue =
switch filteredText {
| Some(value) => value
| None => ""
let productList =
|> List.filter(
(product) =>
Js.String.includes(textValue |> String.lowercase, |> String.lowercase)
&& showProductInStock === product.stocked
|> List.mapi((id, product) => <ProductRow product key=(string_of_int(id)) />);
<th> (ReasonReact.stringToElement("Name")) </th>
<th> (ReasonReact.stringToElement("Price")) </th>
<tbody> (productList |> Array.of_list |> ReasonReact.arrayToElement) </tbody>
module Searchbar = {
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("Searchbar ");
let make = (~onHandleInputChange, ~inStockOnly, ~onChange, _children) => {
render: (_self) =>
<input onChange _type="text" placeholder="search" />
checked=(inStockOnly ? Js.true_ : Js.false_)
(ReasonReact.stringToElement(" only show product in stock"))
type state = {
filteredText: option(string),
showProductInStock: bool
type action =
| OnSearch(string)
| OnShowProductInStock;
let component = ReasonReact.reducerComponent("FilterableProductTable");
let make = (_children) => {
initialState: () => {filteredText: None, showProductInStock: false},
reducer: (action, state) =>
switch action {
| OnSearch(text) => ReasonReact.Update({...state, filteredText: Some(text)})
| OnShowProductInStock =>
ReasonReact.Update({...state, showProductInStock: ! state.showProductInStock})
render: (self) => {
let onSearchText = (e) =>
|> ReactDOMRe.domElementToObj
|> ((result) => result##value |> ((value) => self.send(OnSearch(value))));
let onHandleInputChange = (_e) => self.send(OnShowProductInStock);
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