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script & launchd config for importing photos from a folder into the Photos app on Mac
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'digest'
require 'open3'
google_photos_dir = '/Users/jacob/Google Drive/Google Photos'
apple_photos_dir = '/Users/jacob/Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary/Masters'
def get_photo_paths(dir)
Dir.glob(File.join(dir, '**', '*.*'))
def get_photo_paths_by_digest(dir)
get_photo_paths(dir).group_by { |path| Digest::MD5.file(path).hexdigest }
google_photos = get_photo_paths_by_digest(google_photos_dir)
puts "Google Photos Count: #{google_photos.count}"
apple_photos = get_photo_paths_by_digest(apple_photos_dir)
puts "Apple Photos Count: #{apple_photos.count}"
missing_from_apple = google_photos.keys - apple_photos.keys
unless missing_from_apple.count > 0
puts "No photos missing from Apple Photos."
exit 0
puts "Apple Photos is missing #{missing_from_apple.count} photos:"
missing_from_apple.each { |digest| puts google_photos[digest].first }
if missing_from_apple.count > 100 && ARGV[0] != '--force'
STDERR.puts "There are a large number of photos to import. If you are sure this is correct, rerun with --force"
system 'osascript', '-e', "display notification \"Skipped sync for #{missing_from_apple.count} photos; script must be run with --force to import this many\" with title \"Google->Apple Photos Sync\""
exit 1
add_file_script_lines = do |digest|
"set end of filesToImport to POSIX file \"#{google_photos[digest].first}\""
script = <<-APPLESCRIPT
set filesToImport to {}
with timeout of 30 * 60 seconds
tell application "Photos"
import filesToImport
end tell
end timeout
puts "Running applescript to import photos..."
script_stdout, script_stderr, script_status = Open3.capture3('osascript', stdin_data: script)
puts script_stdout unless script_stdout.empty?
STDERR.puts script_stderr unless script_stderr.empty?
puts "Finished with exit code #{script_status}"
unless script_status == 0
system 'osascript', '-e', "display notification \"Failed sync for up to #{missing_from_apple.count} photos\" with title \"Google->Apple Photos Sync\""
exit 1
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