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Last active February 25, 2019 07:06
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Plot for viewing continuous vs binomial variable relationship
# make "remainder" / throw away components more symmetric (expects balanced)
ggplot_continuous_binary <- function(df, covariate, response, rug = TRUE, snip_scales = FALSE, input_bin_size = NULL){
covariate_var <- enquo(covariate)
response_var <- enquo(response) # needs to be either a TRUE/FALSE or a 1/0
df_start <- df %>%
arrange(!!covariate_var) %>%
mutate(row_n = row_number())
# set bin size -- either 1% of number of rows, or positioin of first TRUE or
# FALSE value of response relative to covariate values
size_window <- df_start %>%
group_by(!!response_var) %>% # response
summarise(min_row = min(row_n),
max_row = nrow(df_start) - max(row_n)) %>%
unlist() %>%
max() %>%
max(floor(nrow(df_start) * 0.01))
# refine `size_window` to minimize thrown away data points (could improve this)
group_size <- tibble(remainder = nrow(df_start) %% size_window:(size_window*1.5),
size = size_window:(size_window*1.5),
group_n = nrow(df_start) %/% size_window) %>%
mutate(remainder_lead1 = lead(remainder)) %>%
filter(remainder_lead1 > remainder) %>%
pluck("size") %>%
print(paste0("bin size: ", group_size))
# bin and prep df and summary values
df <- df_start %>%
mutate(grouping = (row_n + 1) %/% group_size) %>%
group_by(grouping) %>%
binned_prop = mean(!!response_var, na.rm = TRUE),
log_odds_avg = log(binned_prop / (1 - binned_prop)),
!!covariate_var := mean(!!covariate_var),
n = n()
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(n >= floor(mean(n))) # throw away remainder from `group_size`
p <- df %>%
ggplot(aes(x = !!covariate_var, y = log_odds_avg))+
# with large n, this will run slower
if(rug) {
p <- p +
geom_rug(aes(x = !!covariate_var, colour = "TRUE"), sides = "t", alpha = 0.1, data = filter(df_start, as.logical(!!response_var)) %>% mutate(log_odds_avg = 1))+
geom_rug(aes(x = !!covariate_var, colour = "FALSE"), sides = "b", alpha = 0.1, data = filter(df_start, !as.logical(!!response_var)) %>% mutate(log_odds_avg = 1))
# change in future to bunch near edge w/o removing
p <- p +
coord_cartesian(xlim = range(df[[quo_name(covariate_var)]]))
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brshallo commented Feb 6, 2019

Currently, the binning heuristic is sensitive to imbalanced class data as well as strong associations with x in the tails.  Strong polynomial relationships risk causing bin size to be too big (/reducing the number of points). The estimate of bin size itself is currently highly variable.  The points where the proportions are close to even will have the most stable estimates.  An improvement may be to allow for dynamic bin-sizes depending on the relative proportion of TRUE/FALSE's at that location of the x distribution (doing so would motivate a need to need to allow for weighting in geom_smooth).

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