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Created August 18, 2014 14:06
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Google Apps Script database abstraction - vba client
Option Explicit
' v1.0
' this one manages interaction with dbAbstraction on Google Apps Script
Private pDbId As String
Private pSiloId As String
Private pResult As cDbAbResult
Private poAuth2 As cOauth2
Private pEndPoint As String
Private pDbName As String
Private pBrowser As cBrowser
Private pNoCache As Long
Private pPeanut As String
Private pConstraints As cJobject
Public Function constraints(json As String) As String
' for example
'stuff.age': handler.constraints("['GT' ,25],['LTE',60]]")
' needs to become
Dim s As cStringChunker, job As cJobject, jo As cJobject
Set s = New cStringChunker
Set job = JSONParse(json)
s.add "{'__CONSTR$KEY$':["
For Each jo In job.children
With s.add("{'value':")
.add (maybeQuote(jo.children(2)))
.add (",'constraint':'")
.add(pConstraints.toString(jo.children(1).value)).add ("'")
.add ("},")
End With
Next jo
constraints = s.chopIf(",").add("]}").content
End Function
Private Function maybeQuote(jo As cJobject) As Variant
Dim v As Variant
If (jo.isArrayRoot) Then
maybeQuote = jo.stringify
v = jo.value
If TypeName(v) = "string" Then
maybeQuote = "'" & v & "'"
maybeQuote = v
End If
End If
End Function
' the endpoint - your Google Apps Script webapp url
Public Function setEndPoint(endPoint As String) As cDbAb
pEndPoint = endPoint
Set setEndPoint = Me
End Function
Public Function getEndPoint() As String
getEndPoint = pEndPoint
End Function
' the result of the last fetch
Public Function getResult() As cDbAbResult
Set getResult = pResult
End Function
' the siloid is roughly equivalent to a tablename
Public Function setSiloId(id As String) As cDbAb
pSiloId = id
Set setSiloId = Me
End Function
Public Function getSiloId() As String
getSiloId = pSiloId
End Function
' this is the oauth2 object used to provide the accesstoken
Public Function setOauth2(oauth2 As cOauth2) As cDbAb
Set poAuth2 = oauth2
Set setOauth2 = Me
End Function
' the dbid is roughtly equivalent to the database name
Public Function setDbId(id As String) As cDbAb
pDbId = id
Set setDbId = Me
End Function
Public Function getDbId() As String
getDbId = pDbId
End Function
' any special id to use in google analytics when the api call is serviced
Public Function setPeanut(id As String) As cDbAb
pPeanut = id
Set setPeanut = Me
End Function
Private Function getQueryString(Optional queryJSON As String = vbNullString) As String
Dim queryOb As cJobject
If (queryJSON <> vbNullString) Then
Set queryOb = JSONParse(queryJSON)
End If
If (isSomething(queryOb)) Then
getQueryString = "&query=" & URLEncode(queryOb.stringify)
getQueryString = vbNullString
End If
End Function
Private Function getParamString(Optional paramJSON As String = vbNullString) As String
Dim paramOb As cJobject
If (paramJSON <> vbNullString) Then
Set paramOb = JSONParse(paramJSON)
End If
If (isSomething(paramOb)) Then
getParamString = "&params=" & URLEncode(paramOb.stringify)
getParamString = vbNullString
End If
End Function
Private Function getAuthHeader() As String
getAuthHeader = poAuth2.authHeader
End Function
' the dbname is the name of the type of db .. eg SHEET
Public Function setDbName(dbName As String) As cDbAb
pDbName = dbName
Set setDbName = Me
End Function
Public Function getDbName() As String
getDbName = pDbName
End Function
Public Property Get browser() As cBrowser
Set browser = pBrowser
End Property
Public Function setNoCache(noCache As Long) As cDbAb
pNoCache = noCache
Set setNoCache = Me
End Function
Private Function makeUrl(action As String, Optional noCache As Long = 0, Optional keepid As Boolean = False, _
Optional queryJSON As String = vbNullString, Optional paramsJSON As String = vbNullString) As String
Dim s As New cStringChunker
s.add(getEndPoint()) _
.add("?").add("driver=").add(getDbName()) _
.add("&").add("action=").add(action) _
.add("&").add("siloid=").add(getSiloId()) _
.add("&").add("dbid=").add(getDbId) _
.add("&").add("nocache=").add(CStr(noCache)) _
.add("&").add("keepid=").add(CLng(keepid) * -1) _
.add("&").add("peanut=").add(CStr(pPeanut)) _
.add(getQueryString(queryJSON)) _
.add getParamString(paramsJSON)
makeUrl = s.content
End Function
' dbabstraction save
' @param {cJobect} obs the data to save
' @return {cDbAbResult} the result
Public Function save(obs As cJobject) As cDbAbResult
Set save = execute("save", "POST", , , obs)
End Function
Public Function query(Optional queryJSON As String = vbNullString, _
Optional paramsJSON As String = vbNullString, _
Optional noCache As Long = 0, _
Optional keepid As Boolean = False) As cDbAbResult
Set query = execute("query", "GET", queryJSON, paramsJSON, , , noCache, keepid)
End Function
Public Function update(keys As cJobject, obs As cJobject) As cDbAbResult
Set update = execute("update", "POST", , , obs, keys, 1, 0)
End Function
Public Function remove(Optional queryJSON As String = vbNullString, _
Optional paramsJSON As String = vbNullString) As cDbAbResult
Set remove = execute("remove", "POST", queryJSON, paramsJSON, , , 1, 0)
End Function
Public Function count(Optional queryJSON As String = vbNullString, _
Optional paramsJSON As String = vbNullString, _
Optional noCache As Long = 0) As cDbAbResult
Set count = execute("count", "GET", queryJSON, paramsJSON, , , noCache, 0)
End Function
Public Function getObjects(keys As cJobject, Optional noCache As Long = 0, _
Optional keepid As Boolean = False) As cDbAbResult
' normally called get, but vba reserved name
Set getObjects = execute("get", "POST", , , , keys, noCache, keepid)
End Function
Private Function execute(action As String, _
Optional method As String = "GET", _
Optional queryJSON As String = vbNullString, _
Optional paramsJSON As String = vbNullString, _
Optional data As cJobject = Nothing, _
Optional keys As cJobject = Nothing, _
Optional noCache As Long = 0, _
Optional keepid As Boolean = False) As cDbAbResult
Dim result As String, payload As String, url As String, s As cStringChunker
Set s = New cStringChunker
If (pNoCache > 0) Then noCache = 1
url = makeUrl(action, noCache, keepid, queryJSON, paramsJSON)
If (method = "GET") Then
pBrowser.httpGET url, , , , , getAuthHeader(), , method
If (isSomething(keys)) Then
s.add (keys.stringify)
If (isSomething(data)) Then s.chopIf("}").add(",").add (Mid(data.stringify, 2))
ElseIf (isSomething(data)) Then
s.add (data.stringify)
End If
payload = s.content
pBrowser.httpPost url, payload, True, getAuthHeader(), , method
End If
Set pResult = New cDbAbResult
pResult.setResult pBrowser
Set execute = pResult
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set pBrowser = New cBrowser
pNoCache = 0
pPeanut = getUserHash()
Set pConstraints = JSONParse( _
"{'LT':'$lt','GTE':'$gte', 'GT':'$gt', 'NE':'$ne', 'IN':'$in','NIN':'$nin','EQ':'$eq','LTE':'$lte'}")
End Sub
Public Function teardown()
If isSomething(pConstraints) Then
End If
If (isSomething(pResult)) Then
End If
End Function
Option Explicit
' v1.10
' this is a dbab result
Private pResult As cJobject
Public Property Get handleError() As String
handleError = pResult.child("handleError").value
End Property
Public Property Get handleCode() As Long
handleCode = pResult.child("handleCode").value
End Property
Public Property Get handleKeys() As cJobject
Set handleKeys = pResult.child("handleKeys")
End Property
Public Property Get driverKeys() As cJobject
Set driverKeys = pResult.child("driverKeys")
End Property
Public Property Get data() As cJobject
Set data = pResult.child("data")
End Property
Public Property Get response() As cJobject
Set response = pResult
End Property
Public Property Get length() As Long
length = 0
If (isSomething(data)) Then
length = data.children.count
End If
End Property
Public Property Get count() As Long
Dim c As cJobject
count = 0
If (isSomething(data)) Then
If (data.hasChildren) Then
Set c = data.children(1).child("count")
If (isSomething(c)) Then
count = c.value
count = length
End If
End If
End If
End Property
Public Function setResult(browser As cBrowser) As cDbAbResult
Set pResult = JSONParse(browser.Text, False)
If (pResult Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox ("invalid json data:" + browser.Text)
End If
Set setResult = Me
End Function
Public Function teardown()
If (isSomething(pResult)) Then
End If
End Function
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