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Lee Zhen Yong bruceoutdoors

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bruceoutdoors /
Last active May 24, 2024 08:52
Generate kaf ( configuration with AWS MSK clusters
set -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail
# Generate kaf ( configuration with AWS MSK clusters
# Usage:
# # Setup new config:
# AWS_PROFILE=dev ./ > ~/.kaf/config && kaf config select-cluster
# # Append to existing config (tail command removes first line):
# AWS_PROFILE=dev ./ | tail -n+2 >> ~/.kaf/config
bruceoutdoors /
Last active December 30, 2023 10:25
Quick Wireguard VPN setup for AWS. Just run the CloudFormation stack, access the VM via SSM, and execute `wg-addclient` to add a client. See
# Note: Must run as root!
cd /etc/wireguard/
# Get next available internal IP address
IP=$((`tac wg0.conf | grep -m1 -oP "[0-9]+(?=/32)" || echo 1` + 1))
# Generate client key
CLIENT_PRIVATE=`wg genkey`
bruceoutdoors / scikit-learn-tut.ipynb
Created May 8, 2021 13:56
Scikit-Learn Tutorial | Machine Learning With Scikit-Learn | Sklearn | Python Tutorial | Simplilearn (
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bruceoutdoors /
Last active March 10, 2020 15:06
infinitilab algo question
# python3
from collections import deque
# Store combinations as a tree. The size of the tree directly
# corresponds to the running time of the algorithm - O(2^n)
# Worst runtime is when the sum of items is larger than the target
# and no combination exist. An intuitive optimization here is to
# prune combinations away when the sum has already exceeded the target
class Node:
public class Solution {
private IList<IList<int>> graph;
private bool[] marked;
private bool[] onStack;
private bool hasCycle;
private Stack<int> s;
public int[] FindOrder(int numCourses, int[,] prerequisites) {
graph = new List<IList<int>>();
marked = new bool[numCourses];
public class Solution {
private IList<IList<int>> graph;
private bool[] marked;
private bool[] onStack;
private bool hasCycle;
public bool CanFinish(int numCourses, int[,] prerequisites) {
graph = new List<IList<int>>();
marked = new bool[numCourses];
onStack = new bool[numCourses];
public class Solution {
IList<IList<int>> graph;
bool[] marked;
public bool CanVisitAllRooms(IList<IList<int>> rooms) {
graph = rooms;
marked = new bool[rooms.Count];
* Execution: ./DisjointSet < input.txt
* Data files:
* Weighted quick-union by rank with path compression.
* % ./DisjointSet < tinyUF.txt
* 4 3
# Python3 port of
class DisjointSet:
Execution: python < input.txt
Data files:
Weighted quick-union by rank with path compression.
bruceoutdoors / charcast.cpp
Created May 18, 2017 13:52
from int cast to byte, from byte extract hex values.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Byte {
void to4Bits(char c)
lo = c >> 4;
hi = c & 0x0F;