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Last active August 17, 2024 07:16
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Relative Strength Index
;; use rolling-map and average (
(defun rsi (n prices)
(let ((gain (let ((cumul 0))
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (setq cumul (/ (+ (* cumul (1- n)) x) n)))
(cdr (rolling-map 2 #'(lambda (&rest list)
(if (apply #'< list) (abs (apply #'- list)) 0))
(loss (let ((cumul 0))
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (setq cumul (/ (+ (* cumul (1- n)) x) n)))
(cdr (rolling-map 2 #'(lambda (&rest list)
(if (apply #'> list) (abs (apply #'- list)) 0))
(mapcar #'(lambda (u d) (- 100 (/ 100 (1+ (/ u d)))))
(append (list (apply #'average (subseq gain 0 n))) (subseq gain n))
(append (list (apply #'average (subseq loss 0 n))) (subseq loss n)))))
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