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brunoathaíde brun0xff

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Oh my zsh.

Install with curl

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Enabling Plugins (zsh-autosuggestions & zsh-syntax-highlighting)

  • Download zsh-autosuggestions by
-- An audit history is important on most tables. Provide an audit trigger that logs to
-- a dedicated audit table for the major relations.
-- This file should be generic and not depend on application roles or structures,
-- as it's being listed here:
-- This trigger was originally based on
"gcp": {
"topic_1": {
"copy-a-file-from-gcp-vm-to-local-machine": "scp -i ~/.ssh/my-ssh-key [LOCAL_FILE_PATH] [USERNAME]@[IP_ADDRESS]:~",
"copy-a-file-from-local-machine-to-gcp-vm": "scp -i ~/.ssh/my-ssh-key [USERNAME]@[IP_ADDRESS]:[REMOTE_FILE_PATH] [LOCAL_FILE_PATH]",
"link_ref": ""
"topic_2": {
"connecting-to-instances-on-gcp": "gcloud compute ssh --project [PROJECT_ID] --zone [ZONE] [INSTANCE_NAME]",
"link_ref": ""
"command": {
"run": "git reset --hard origin/<branch>",
"description": "Sure you are on the branch where the commit is"
brun0xff / abb.c
Created March 18, 2019 22:33
árvore binária de busca e algumas funções básicas
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct tipoNo {
int valor;
char op;
struct tipoNo *esq;
struct tipoNo *dir;
} tipoNo;

Funções de procura

/<expressão> => começa a procura pelo início do arquivo do termo "expressão"
?<expressão> => começa a procura pelo final do arquivo do termo "expressão"
n => procura a próxima palavra
N => inverte o sentido da procura 

Movimentação e inserção de texto

:3,9d => apaga as linhas de 3 a 9

1 - Ao adicionar um documento (dicionário) no Elasticsearch utilizando o método:

for ok, result in streaming_bulk(self.client, self.start_data_streaming(),
                                 index=self.index_name, doc_type=self.doc_type,
    action, result = result.popitem()
    doc_id = '/%s/doc/%s' % (self.index_name, result['_id'])

Por exemplo:

Uma boa prática é ao capturar exceções, mencionar sempre que possível as exceções específicas, em vez de usar apenas except Exception. Exemplo:

    import platform_specific_module
except ImportError:
    platform_specific_module = None
brun0xff /
Created July 2, 2018 20:53 — forked from nkentaro/
url encode and decode in python3
import urllib.parse
def urlencode(str):
return urllib.parse.quote(str)
def urldecode(str):
return urllib.parse.unquote(str)
str = '{"name": "Kinkin"}'
brun0xff / code-tag.txt
Created June 22, 2018 14:53
# Use TODO to note missing features or functionality that should be added at a later date.
# Use FIXME to note broken code that needs to be fixed.
# Use OPTIMIZE to note slow or inefficient code that may cause performance problems.
# Use HACK to note code smells where questionable coding practices were used and should be refactored away.
# Use REVIEW to note anything that should be looked at to confirm it is working as intended.