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Created June 12, 2013 03:45
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implementation of the Wadler document algebra for strict languages described by Lindig (2000)
defmodule WadlerLindig do
# Elixir implementation of the Wadler document algebra as described in
# "Strictly Pretty" (2000) by Christian Lindig
# The original Haskell implementation of the algorithm relies on lazy
# evaluation to unfold document groups on two alternatives:
# _flat_ (breaks as spaces) and _broken_ (breakes as newlines).
# Implementing the same logic on a strict language such as Elixir leads
# to an exponential growth of the possible documents, unless document
# groups are encoded explictly as _flat_ or _broken_. Those groups are
# then reduced to a simple document, where the layout is already decided.
# shortcuts (appendix A: missing parts)
def newline, do: "\n"
def strlen(s), do: String.length(s)
def repeat(_, 0), do: ""
def repeat(s, i), do: String.duplicate s, i
# document type
@type doc :: DocNil | DocCons.t | DocText.t | DocNest.t | DocBreak.t | DocGroup.t
defrecord DocCons, left: DocNil, right: DocNil
defrecord DocText, str: ""
defrecord DocNest, indent: 1, doc: DocNil
defrecord DocBreak, str: " "
defrecord DocGroup, doc: DocNil
@spec concat(doc, doc) :: DocCons.t
def concat(x, y), do: DocCons[left: x, right: y]
@spec empty() :: DocNil
def empty, do: DocNil
@spec text(binary) :: DocText.t
def text(s) when is_binary(s), do: DocText[str: s]
@spec nest(non_neg_integer, doc) :: DocNest.t
def nest(i, x) when is_integer(i), do: DocNest[indent: i, doc: x]
@spec break(binary) :: DocBreak.t
def break(s) when is_binary(s), do: DocBreak[str: s]
@spec break() :: DocBreak.t
def break(), do: DocBreak[str: " "]
@spec group(doc) :: DocGroup.t
def group(d), do: DocGroup[doc: d]
# simple document type
@type sdoc :: SNil | SText.t | SLine.t
defrecord SText, str: "", sdoc: SNil
defrecord SLine, indent: 1, sdoc: SNil # newline + spaces
@spec render(sdoc) :: binary
def render(SNil), do: ""
def render(SText[str: s, sdoc: d]), do: s <> render(d)
def render(SLine[indent: i, sdoc: d]) do
prefix = repeat " ", i
newline <> prefix <> render d
# document mode: __flat__ or __broken__
@type mode :: Flat | Break
# the fits? and format methods have to deal explicitly with the document modes
@spec fits?(integer, { integer, mode, doc }[]) :: boolean
def fits?(w, _) when w < 0, do: false
def fits?(_, []), do: true
def fits?(w, [{_, _, DocNil} | t]), do: fits? w, t
def fits?(w, [{i, m, DocCons[left: x, right: y]} | t]), do: fits? w, [{i, m, x} | [{i, m, y} | t]]
def fits?(w, [{i, m, DocNest[indent: j, doc: x]} | t]), do: fits? w, [{i + j, m, x} | t]
def fits?(w, [{_, _, DocText[str: s]} | t]), do: fits? (w - strlen s), t
def fits?(w, [{_, Flat, DocBreak[str: s]} | t]), do: fits? (w - strlen s), t
def fits?(_, [{_, Break, DocBreak[str: _]} | _]), do: true # impossible (but why?)
def fits?(w, [{i, _, DocGroup[doc: x]} | t]), do: fits? w, [{i, Flat, x} | t]
@spec format(integer, integer, { integer, mode, doc }[]) :: boolean
def format(_, _, []), do: SNil
def format(w, k, [{_, _, DocNil} | t]), do: format w, k, t
def format(w, k, [{i, m, DocCons[left: x, right: y]} | t]), do: format w, k, [{i, m, x} | [{i, m, y} | t]]
def format(w, k, [{i, m, DocNest[indent: j, doc: x]} | t]), do: format w, k, [{i + j, m, x} | t]
def format(w, k, [{_, _, DocText[str: s]} | t]), do: SText[str: s, sdoc: format w, (k + strlen s), t]
def format(w, k, [{_, Flat, DocBreak[str: s]} | t]), do: SText[str: s, sdoc: format w, (k + strlen s), t]
def format(w, _, [{i, Break, DocBreak[str: _]} | t]), do: SLine[indent: i, sdoc: format w, i, t]
def format(w, k, [{i, _, DocGroup[doc: x]} | t]) do
if fits? (w - k), [{i, Flat, x} | t] do
format w, k, [{i, Flat, x} | t]
format w, k, [{i, Break, x} | t]
# interface (appendix A)
@spec pretty(integer, doc) :: binary
def pretty(w, d) do
sdoc = format w, 0, [{0, Flat, DocGroup[doc: d]}]
# functions implementing the if-then-else example on section 4
def opt_break(x, y) do
case {x, y} do
{DocNil, _} -> y
{_, DocNil} -> x
_ -> concat(x, concat(break, y))
def binop(left, op, right) do
opt_break(text(left), text(op)),
def if_then_else(c, d, e) do
group(nest(2, opt_break(text("if"), c))),
group(nest(2, opt_break(text("do"), d)))),
group(nest(2, opt_break(text("else"), e)))
def example do
c = binop("a", "==", "b")
d = binop("a", "<<", "2")
e = binop("a", "+", "b")
doc = if_then_else(c, d, e) [32,15,8,7,6], fn(n) ->
title = "w = #{n}"
dashes = repeat "-", strlen(title)
IO.puts "\n#{title}\n#{dashes}"
IO.puts pretty(n, doc)
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