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Created July 3, 2013 05:35
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Pattern matching fails with records defined using defrecordp.
defmodule WadlerLindig do
@moduledoc """
Pretty printing library inspired by Philip Wadler.
Custom pretty printers can be implemented using
functions, exported from this module.
Elixir implementation of the Wadler document algebra as described in
"Strictly Pretty" (2000) by Christian Lindig
The original Haskell implementation of the algorithm relies on lazy
evaluation to unfold document groups on two alternatives:
_flat_ (breaks as spaces) and _broken_ (breakes as newlines).
Implementing the same logic on a strict language such as Elixir leads
to an exponential growth of the possible documents, unless document
groups are encoded explictly as _flat_ or _broken_. Those groups are
then reduced to a simple document, where the layout is already decided.
## Examples
iex> Wadler.text "foo"
Wadler.doc_text(str: "foo"]
iex> doc ="1"), Wadler.concat(Wadler.break, Wadler.text("2"))))
doc: Wadler.doc_cons(
left: Wadler.doc_text(str: "1"),
right: Wadler.doc_cons(
left: Wadler.doc_break(str: " "),
right: Wadler.doc_text(str: "2")
iex> sdoc = Wadler.format w, 0, [{0, Wadler.Flat, doc}]
str: "1",
sdoc: Wadler.SText[
str: " ",
sdoc: Wadler.SText[
str: "2",
sdoc: SNil
# some shortcut functions
defp newline, do: "\n"
defp strlen(s), do: String.length(s)
defp default_nesting, do: 2
defp repeat(_, 0), do: ""
defp repeat(s, i), do: :lists.duplicate(i, s)
# Records representing a __complex__ document
@type doc :: :doc_nil | :doc_cons_t | :doc_text_t | :doc_nest_t | :doc_break_t | :doc_group_t
defrecordp :doc_cons, [left: :doc_nil, right: :doc_nil]
defrecordp :doc_text, [str: ""]
defrecordp :doc_nest, [indent: 1, doc: :doc_nil]
defrecordp :doc_break, [str: " "]
defrecordp :doc_group, [doc: :doc_nil]
# Functional interface to `doc` records
@doc """
Returns :doc_nil which is a document entity used to represent
nothingness. Takes no arguments.
## Examples
iex> Wadler.empty
@spec empty() :: :doc_nil
def empty, do: :doc_nil
@doc """
Concatenates two document entities. Takes two arguments:
left doc and right doc. Returns a DocCons doc
## Examples
iex(1)> Wadler.concat Wadler.text("Tasteless"), Wadler.text("Artosis")
Wadler.doc_cons(left: Wadler.doc_text(str: "Tasteless"], right: Wadler.doc_text(str: "Artosis"]]
iex(2)> IO.puts Wadler.pretty(80, v(1))
@spec concat(doc, doc) :: :doc_cons_t
def concat(x, y), do: doc_cons(left: x, right: y)
@doc """
Nests document entity x positions deep. Nesting will be
appended to the line breaks.
## Examples
iex(1)> Wadler.nest(5, Wadler.concat(Wadler.break, Wadler.text("6")))
Wadler.doc_nest(indent: 5, doc: Wadler.doc_cons(left: Wadler.DocBreak, right: Wadler.doc_text(str: "6"]]]
iex(2)> IO.puts Wadler.pretty(80, v(1))
@spec nest(non_neg_integer, doc) :: :doc_nest_t
def nest(0, x), do: x
def nest(i, x) when is_integer(i), do: doc_nest(indent: i, doc: x)
@doc """
Document entity representation of a text.
## Examples
iex(1)> Wadler.text "Hello, World!"
Wadler.doc_text(str: "Hello, World!"]
iex(2)> IO.puts Wadler.pretty(80, v(9))
Hello, World!
@spec text(binary) :: :doc_text_t
def text(s) when is_binary(s), do: doc_text(str: s)
@doc """
Document entity representating a break. This break can
be rendered as a linebreak or as spaces, depending on the
`mode` of the chosen layout or the provided separator.
## Examples
iex(2)> Wadler.break "hello"
Wadler.doc_break(str: "hello"]
iex(3)> Wadler.break
Wadler.doc_break(str: " "]
iex(4)> Wadler.concat(
Wadler.text("a"), Wadler.break), Wadler.text("b"))
iex(5)> Wadler.render Wadler.format w, 0, [{0, Wadler.Flat, v(4)}]
"a b"
iex(6)> Wadler.render Wadler.format w, 0, [{0, Wadler.Break, v(4)}]
@spec break(binary) :: :doc_break_t
def break(s) when is_binary(s), do: doc_break(str: s)
@spec break() :: :doc_break_t
def break(), do: doc_break(str: " ")
Inserts a break between two docs.
@spec glue(doc, doc) :: :doc_cons_t
def glue(x, y), do: concat(x, concat(break, y))
Inserts a break, passed as second argument, between two docs,
the first and the third argument.
@spec glue(doc, binary, doc) :: :doc_cons_t
def glue(x, g, y) when is_binary(g), do: concat(x, concat(break(g), y))
@doc """
Returns a group containing the specified document.
## Examples
...(1)> Wadler.concat(
...(1)> Wadler.concat(
...(1)> Wadler.text("Hello,"),
...(1)> Wadler.concat(
...(1)> Wadler.break,
...(1)> Wadler.text("A")
...(1)> )
...(1)> )
...(1)> ),
...(1)> Wadler.concat(
...(1)> Wadler.break,
...(1)> Wadler.text("B")
...(1)> )
...(1)> )) # Output is prettified for readability.
doc: Wadler.doc_cons(
left: Wadler.doc_group(
doc: Wadler.doc_cons(
left: Wadler.doc_text(str: "Hello,"],
right: Wadler.doc_cons(
left: Wadler.doc_break(str: " "],
right: Wadler.doc_text(str: "A"]
right: Wadler.doc_cons(
left: Wadler.doc_break(str: " "],
right: Wadler.doc_text(str: "B"]
iex(2)> IO.puts Wadler.pretty(80, v(1))
Hello, A B
iex(3)> IO.puts Wadler.pretty(6, v(1))
@spec group(doc) :: :doc_group_t
def group(d), do: doc_group(doc: d)
# Helpers
@doc """
Inserts a mandatory single space between two document entities.
## Examples
iex(1)> Wadler.text("Hughes"), Wadler.text("Wadler")
left: Wadler.doc_text(str: "Hughes"],
right: Wadler.doc_cons(
left: Wadler.doc_text(str: " "],
right: Wadler.doc_text(str: "Wadler"]
@spec space(doc, doc) :: :doc_cons_t
def space(x, y), do: concat(x, concat(text(" "), y))
@doc """
Inserts a mandatory linebreak between two document entities.
## Examples
iex(1)> Wadler.line Wadler.text("Hughes"), Wadler.text("Wadler")
left: Wadler.doc_text(str: "Hughes"],
right: Wadler.doc_cons(
left: Wadler.doc_text(str: "\n"],
right: Wadler.doc_text(str: "Wadler"]
@spec line(doc, doc) :: :doc_cons_t
def line(x, y), do: glue(x, newline, y)
@doc """
Folds a list of document entities into a document entity
using a function that is passed as the first argument.
## Example
iex(1)> [Wadler.text("A"), Wadler.text("B")]
[Wadler.doc_text(string: "A"], Wadler.doc_text(string: "B"]]
iex(2)> Wadler.folddoc(fn(x,y) -> Wadler.concat(x, Wadler.concat(Wadler.text("!"), y)) end, v(1))
left: Wadler.doc_text(str: "A"],
right: Wadler.doc_cons(
left: Wadler.doc_text(string: "!"],
right: Wadler.doc_text(string: "B"]
@spec folddoc( ((doc, [doc]) -> doc), [doc]) :: doc
def folddoc(_, []), do: empty
def folddoc(_, [doc]), do: doc
def folddoc(f, [d|ds]), do: f.(d, folddoc(f, ds))
@doc """
Folds a list of document entities with space/2 function.
@spec spread(doc) :: doc
def spread(doc), do: folddoc(fn(x, d) -> space(x, d) end, doc)
@doc """
Folds a list of document entities with line/2 function.
@spec stack(doc) :: doc
def stack(doc), do: folddoc(fn(x, d) -> line(x, d) end, doc)
@doc """
Surrounds a document with characters.
Puts the document between left and right enclosing and nests it.
@spec surround(binary, doc, binary, binary) :: doc
@spec surround(binary, doc, binary) :: doc
def surround(left, doc, right, sep//"") do
glue(text(left), sep, doc)), # remember that first line is not nested
# Records representing __simple__ documents, already on a fixed layout
# Those are generalized by `sdoc` type.
@type sdoc :: SNil | SText.t | SLine.t
defrecord SText, [str: "", sdoc: SNil]
defrecord SLine, [indent: 1, sdoc: SNil] # newline + spaces
@doc """
Renders a simple document into a binary
@spec render(sdoc) :: binary
def render(sdoc) do
iolist_to_binary do_render sdoc
@spec do_render(sdoc) :: [binary]
defp do_render(SNil), do: [""]
defp do_render(SText[str: s, sdoc: d]), do: [s | do_render(d)]
defp do_render(SLine[indent: i, sdoc: d]) do
prefix = repeat " ", i
[newline | [prefix | do_render d]]
@doc """
The pretty printing function.
Takes maximum width and document to print as its arguments and returns the string
representation of the best layout for the document to fit in the given width.
@spec pretty(non_neg_integer, doc) :: binary
def pretty(w, d) do
sdoc = format w, 0, [{0, Flat, doc_group(doc: d)}]
# Record representing the document mode to be rendered: __flat__ or __broken__
@type mode :: Flat | Break
# the fits? and format methods have to deal explicitly with the document modes
@spec fits?(integer, [{ integer, mode, doc }]) :: boolean
defp fits?(:infinity, _), do: true # no pretty printing
defp fits?(w, _) when w < 0, do: false
defp fits?(_, []), do: true
defp fits?(w, [{_, _, :doc_nil} | t]), do: fits? w, t
defp fits?(w, [{i, m, doc_cons(left: x, right: y)} | t]), do: fits? w, [{i, m, x} | [{i, m, y} | t]]
defp fits?(w, [{i, m, doc_nest(indent: j, doc: x)} | t]), do: fits? w, [{i + j, m, x} | t]
defp fits?(w, [{_, _, doc_text(str: s)} | t]), do: fits? (w - strlen s), t
defp fits?(w, [{_, Flat, doc_break(str: s)} | t]), do: fits? (w - strlen s), t
defp fits?(_, [{_, Break, doc_break(str: _)} | _]), do: true # impossible (but why?)
defp fits?(w, [{i, _, doc_group(doc: x)} | t]), do: fits? w, [{i, Flat, x} | t]
@spec format(integer, integer, [{ integer, mode, doc }]) :: boolean
def format(:infinity, k, [{i, _, doc_group(doc: x)} | t]), do: format :infinity, k, [{i, Flat, x} | t] # no pretty printing
def format(_, _, []), do: SNil
def format(w, k, [{_, _, :doc_nil} | t]), do: format w, k, t
def format(w, k, [{i, m, doc_cons(left: x, right: y)} | t]), do: format w, k, [{i, m, x} | [{i, m, y} | t]]
def format(w, k, [{i, m, doc_nest(indent: j, doc: x)} | t]), do: format w, k, [{i + j, m, x} | t]
def format(w, k, [{_, _, doc_text(str: s)} | t]), do: SText[str: s, sdoc: format w, (k + strlen s), t]
def format(w, k, [{_, Flat, doc_break(str: s)} | t]), do: SText[str: s, sdoc: format w, (k + strlen s), t]
def format(w, _, [{i, Break, doc_break(str: _)} | t]), do: SLine[indent: i, sdoc: format w, i, t]
def format(w, k, [{i, _, doc_group(doc: x)} | t]) do
if fits? (w - k), [{i, Flat, x} | t] do
format w, k, [{i, Flat, x} | t]
format w, k, [{i, Break, x} | t]
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