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Last active December 25, 2015 13:39
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Draws the inscribed polygons and circles for the prime analog of the Kepler-Bouwkamp constant using Quil.
(ns kepler-bouwkamp.core
(:use quil.core))
(def tau 6.283185307179586)
(defn circle [cx cy r]
"Draws a circle centered at (cx, cy) with radius r."
[d (* r 2)]
(ellipse cx cy d d)))
(defn pivot [px py ox oy angle]
"Pivots (px, py) by angle using (ox, oy) as an axis."
(if (zero? angle)
[px py]
(let [nx (- px ox)
ny (- py oy)
sin (Math/sin angle)
cos (Math/cos angle)]
[(+ ox (- (* nx cos) (* ny sin)))
(+ oy (+ (* nx sin) (* ny cos)))])))
(defn polygon [cx cy radius sides]
"Draws a polygon centered at (cx, cy) with the
given radius and number of sides."
(let [angle (/ tau sides)
ox (+ cx radius)]
[i (range sides)]
[[sx sy] (pivot ox cy cx cy (* i angle))
[ex ey] (pivot ox cy cx cy (* (inc i) angle)]
(line sx sy ex ey)))))
(defn ins-radius [radius sides]
"Returns the inscribed radius of a polygon with
a given radius and number of sides."
(* radius (Math/cos (/ (/ tau 2) sides))))
(defn circle-inscribe-polygon [cx cy rad sides]
"Draws a circle and the inscribed polygon with the given number
of sides, centered at (cx, cy) and with radius rad."
[ins (ins-radius rad sides)]
(circle cx cy rad)
(polygon cx cy rad sides)
(defn setup []
(frame-rate 1)
(background 255))
(defn draw []
(stroke 0)
(stroke-weight 1)
(let [cx (/ (width) 2)
cy (/ (height) 2)
rad (- (min cx cy) 10)] ; add some padding to the radius
(reduce #(circle-inscribe-polygon cx cy %1 %2) rad
[3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 27 31]))) ; the sequence will converge before that
(defn -main []
:title "Kepler-Bouwkamp constant"
:setup setup
:draw draw
:size [600 600]))
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