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Last active October 26, 2022 06:22
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Anonymous Rotating Proxies with Monit, Tor, Haproxy and Delegated. Idea by
0 - Read
1 - Install monit, haproxy, tor and delegated.
2 - Setup your environment in the setup.rb file
3 - Just run > ruby setup.rb
4 - ...........
5 - PROFIT! >
maxconn 256
mode http
timeout connect 5000ms
timeout client 50000ms
timeout server 50000ms
frontend rotatingproxies
bind *:<%= haproxy_port %>
default_backend tors
option http_proxy
backend tors
option http_proxy
<% tors_count.times.each do |c| %>
server tor<%= c %> localhost:<%= delegated_base_port + c %>
<% end %>
balance leastconn
# monitrc template file
set daemon 60
set pidfile <%= install_path %>/pids/
# gmail or google apps account
<% if gmail_username && gmail_password %>
set mailserver port 587
username "<%= gmail_username %>" password "<%= gmail_password %>"
using tlsv1 with timeout 60 seconds
<% end %>
set mail-format { from: <%= email %> }
set alert <%= email %> with reminder on 10 cycles
# Monit web panel
set httpd port 44102
allow admin:"password"
# tor
<% tors_count.times.each do |c| %>
check process tor<%= c %> with pidfile <%= install_path %>/pids/tor<%= c %>.pid
group proxy
start program = "/bin/sh -c '<%= tor_path %> --RunAsDaemon 1 --CookieAuthentication 0 --PidFile <%= install_path %>/pids/tor<%= c %>.pid --SocksPort <%= tor_base_port + c %> --DataDirectory <%= install_path %>/caches/tor<%= c %>'" as uid <%= user %> and gid <%= user %>
stop program = "/bin/sh -c '/bin/kill -s SIGTERM `cat <%= install_path %>/pids/tor<%= c %>.pid` && rm \"<%= install_path %>/pids/tor<%= c %>.pid\"'" as uid <%= user %> and gid <%= user %>
if mem > 32 MB for 3 cycles then restart
if cpu > 30% for 5 cycles then restart
<% end %>
# delegated
<% tors_count.times.each do |c| %>
check process delegated<%= c %> with pidfile <%= install_path %>/pids/delegated<%= c %>.pid
group proxy
start program = "/bin/sh -c '<%= delegated_path %> -P<%= delegated_base_port + c %> SERVER=http SOCKS=localhost:<%= tor_base_port + c %> PIDFILE=<%= install_path %>/pids/delegated<%= c %>.pid LOGFILE=<%= install_path %>/log/delegated.log ADMIN=<%= email %>'" as uid <%= user %> and gid <%= user %>
stop program = "/bin/sh -c '/bin/kill -s SIGTERM `cat <%= install_path %>/pids/delegated<%= c %>.pid` && rm \"<%= install_path %>/pids/delegated<%= c %>.pid\"'" as uid <%= user %> and gid <%= user %>
if mem > 8 MB for 3 cycles then restart
if cpu > 30% for 5 cycles then restart
depends on tor<%= c %>
<% end %>
# haproxy
check process haproxy with pidfile <%= install_path %>/pids/
group proxy
start program = "/bin/sh -c '<%= haproxy_path %> -f <%= install_path %>/etc/haproxy.cfg -p <%= install_path %>/pids/'" as uid <%= user %> and gid <%= user %>
stop program = "/bin/sh -c '/bin/kill `cat <%= install_path %>/pids/` && rm \"<%= install_path %>/pids/\"'" as uid <%= user %> and gid <%= user %>
if mem > 8 MB for 3 cycles then restart
if cpu > 40% for 5 cycles then restart
depends on <%={ |c| "delegated#{c}" }.join(', ') %>
# monitrc to restart monit itself
check file monitrc path <%= install_path %>/etc/monitrc
if changed md5 checksum
then exec "<%= monit_path %> reload"
require 'erb'
# Setup variables
monit_path = "/usr/bin/monit"
tor_path = "/usr/bin/tor"
delegated_path = "/usr/local/bin/delegated"
haproxy_path = "/usr/local/bin/haproxy"
install_path = "/Users/mauroasprea/rotating-tors"
user = "username"
email = "[email protected]" # where moint and delegated will send mails.
tors_count = 4
haproxy_port = 3128
delegated_base_port = 3129
tor_base_port = 9050
tor_control_base_port = 8118
# Optional: setup gmail smtp for monit outgoing alerts
gmail_username = "[email protected]"
gmail_password = "password"
# Prepare paths
`mkdir -p #{install_path}/etc`
`mkdir -p #{install_path}/caches`
`mkdir -p #{install_path}/pids`
# haproxy.cfg
c ="haproxy.cfg.erb"))
File.write("#{install_path}/etc/haproxy.cfg", c.result(binding))
`chmod 600 #{install_path}/etc/haproxy.cfg`
# monitrc
c ='monitrc.erb'))
File.write("#{install_path}/etc/monitrc", c.result(binding))
`chmod 600 #{install_path}/etc/monitrc`
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mattes commented Apr 11, 2014

I wrote a little optparser wrapper to make this setup even more easier.

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