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Created August 14, 2013 19:09
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join r1 and r2 at their overlap
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Join reads based on local alignment, taking higher quality base where mismatches
are present.
import sys, string, multiprocessing
from Bio import pairwise2
from toolshed import nopen
from itertools import islice, izip, izip_longest
PW = pairwise2.align.localms
from multiprocessing.pool import IMapIterator
def wrapper(func):
def wrap(self, timeout=None):
# Note: the timeout of 1 googol seconds introduces a rather subtle
# bug for Python scripts intended to run many times the age of the universe.
return func(self, timeout=timeout if timeout is not None else 1e100)
return wrap = wrapper(
class Fastq(object):
def __init__(self, args): = args[0][1:]
self.seq = args[1]
self.qual = args[3]
assert len(self.seq) == len(self.qual)
def __repr__(self):
return "Fastq({name})".format(
def __str__(self):
return "@{name}\n{seq}\n+\n{qual}".format(,
seq=self.seq, qual=self.qual)
def readfq(fq):
with nopen(fq) as fh:
fqclean = (x.strip("\r\n") for x in fh if x.strip())
while True:
rd = [x for x in islice(fqclean, 4)]
if not rd: raise StopIteration
assert all(rd) and len(rd) == 4
yield Fastq(rd)
def rev_comp(seq):
"""return reverse complement of seq."""
return seq.translate(COMPLEMENT)[::-1]
def decode(x):
return ord(x) - 33
def process_chunk(chunk):
r1, r2 = chunk =[0] =[0]
assert ==
# reverse r2
r2.seq = rev_comp(r2.seq)
r2.qual = r2.qual[::-1]
# get best match
r1aln, r2aln, score, start, stop = PW(r1.seq, r2.seq, 1, -1, -5, -3)[0]
# assume overlapping is NOT occurring on 5' end
if r1aln.startswith("-----"): pass
seq = ""
qual = ""
idx1 = 0
idx2 = 0
for (a, b) in izip(r1aln, r2aln):
aq = r1.qual[idx1]
bq = r2.qual[idx2]
if a == "-":
seq += b
qual += bq
idx2 += 1
elif b == "-":
seq += a
qual += aq
idx1 += 1
elif a == b:
seq += a
if decode(aq) > decode(bq):
qual += aq
qual += bq
else: # a != b and they're both bases
if decode(aq) > decode(bq):
seq += a
qual += aq
seq += b
qual += bq
assert len(seq) == len(qual)
r1.seq = seq
r1.qual = qual
return r1
except IndexError: # no overlap exists
def main(R1, R2, threads):
"""For each pair, perform local alignment, fix the mismatches, and output
joined read with qual.
p = multiprocessing.Pool(threads)
# 10,000 records at a time over `threads` number of threads
for r in p.imap(process_chunk, izip(readfq(R1), readfq(R2)), 10000):
print r
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
p.add_argument("R1", help="fastq")
p.add_argument("R2", help="fastq")
p.add_argument("-t", dest="threads", default=1, type=int,
help="number of threads to use")
args = vars(p.parse_args())
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