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Created January 23, 2014 06:23
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set style data lines
set term aqua 1
set title "absolute speed"
plot "data" u 3
set term aqua 2
set title "absolute windspeed"
plot "data" u 4
set term aqua 3
set title "position"
set xrange [-1500:1500]
set yrange [0:3000]
plot "data"
#!/usr/bin/env python
import scipy as S
import scipy.linalg as LIN
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
class Wind(object):
A class for wind in meters per second.
def __call__(self,location):
Returns a vector (2d or 3d, whatever) with the wind at position _location_ and time t
t in seconds,
location in meters
returned value in meters/second
raise NotImplementedError("Abstract Base Class!")
def update(t):
Advance time by t, override if you have wind that changes with time.
class IsotropicWind(Wind):
def __init__(self,d_vector):
self.d = S.array(d_vector)
def __call__(self,loc):
return self.d
class Controls(object):
def __init__(self,initial,min=None,max=None):
self.vals = S.array(initial)
self.mins = S.zeros(self.vals.size) if min is None else S.array(min)
self.maxs = S.ones(self.vals.size) if max is None else S.array(max)
def __call__(self,newvals):
self.vals[:] = S.array(newvals)
toohigh = self.vals > self.maxs
toolow = self.vals < self.mins
self.vals[toohigh] = self.maxs[toohigh]
self.vals[toolow] = self.maxs[toolow]
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.vals[index:index+1]
class Drag(object):
def __init__(self, front, side, tail):
self.f = front
self.s = side
self.t = tail
self.lin = interp1d([-1.0001,-1.0,0.0,1.0,1.0001], [tail,tail, side, front,front])
def __call__(self,x,heading, velocity, wind):
Find the effective headwind, calculate drag from that.
effective_wind = wind(x) - velocity
drag_coeff = 0.0 if S.allclose(effective_wind,0.0) else self.lin(, heading))
drag_force = effective_wind * drag_coeff
return drag_force
class Engine(object):
def __init__(self, throtle, impulse):
The engine will provide impulse*throtle power. Make sure throtle is in [0.0, 1.0]
Throtle should be a view from a Control.
self.throtle = throtle
self.impulse = impulse
def __call__(self,x,heading, velocity, wind):
return heading * self.throtle * self.impulse
class Rudder(object):
def __init__(self, pedal, maxtorque):
self.pedal = pedal
self.maxtorque = maxtorque
def __call__(self,x,heading, velocity, wind):
return self.pedal * self.maxtorque
class Aircraft(object):
def __init__(self):
self.x = S.array([0.0,0.0]) #Position in meters
self.wind = IsotropicWind(S.array([0.0,0.0])) #1 meter a second wind toward the north.
self.drag = Drag(0.1,0.5,0.2) #Drag is Newtons / (meters/second) multiply by wind to get drag force
self.m = 100.0 #Mass in kg
self.I = 1.0 #WE just assume perfect response to rudder
self.v = S.zeros(2)
self.h = S.array([0.0,1.0]) #pointing north.
#self.rotate(- S.pi/8.0) # Pointing NNE
self.c = Controls([0.0,0.0],[0.0,-1.0], [1.0, 1.0]) # throttle and rudder
self.forces = [self.drag, Engine(self.c[0],1.0)]
self.torques = [Rudder(self.c[1], 0.01)]
def get_windspeed(self):
effective_wind = self.wind(self.x) - self.v
return LIN.norm(effective_wind)
def rotate(self, omega):
rot_matrix = S.array([[S.cos(omega), S.sin(omega)],[-S.sin(omega), S.cos(omega)]])
self.h =, self.h.T).T
self.h = self.h / LIN.norm(self.h)
def update(self,t):
Update the Aircraft by t time.
total_force = sum(map(lambda f:f(self.x,self.h, self.v, self.wind), self.forces))
total_torque = sum(map(lambda f:f(self.x,self.h, self.v, self.wind), self.torques))
#linear update, consider runga kutta
self.v = self.v + t*(total_force/self.m)
t_omega = t*(total_torque/self.I)[0]
self.x = self.x + t*(self.v)
if __name__ == "__main__":
myA = Aircraft()
stepsize = 0.1
simtime = 1200 # 20 minutes
for t in S.arange(0.0,simtime, stepsize):
if t>300:
myA.c([1.0, S.sin(t/60.0)])#we slowly turn left and right
print myA.x[0], myA.x[1], LIN.norm(myA.v), myA.get_windspeed()
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