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Ensuring critical tests against flakiness with a faster feedback loop and easier developer experience.

  • Avoiding the uncertainty about the health of long-running tests which have no output
  • Automate the tedium of running smaller batches


bryanchriswhite /
Last active June 8, 2023 01:22
libp2p PubSub debugging / tracing


While pursuing minimal background gossip support I've encountered a need more observability into the state of the network as it evolves.

Fortunately go-libp2p-pubsub includes support for tracing. example_trace.json is the result of using a JSONTracer in a background gossip broadcast integration test.

The Problem

By default, the library encodes the PeerIDs in these traces using base64 (as seen in example_trace.json).

bryanchriswhite /
Last active May 22, 2023 06:04
chatGPT assisted log analysis


While debugging, after refactoring some tests and test helpers, I found myself struggling to make use of the debug log output that I was adding as it can easily get lost in the structured logging and myriad other debug log lines which print in the context of integration tests.


The threshold for writing a script to solve a one-off problem like this might typically be measured in a large number of hours or perhaps even day(s) for me. Using LLMs to generate and test such a script can greatly reduce the time and directed attention required to get to making use of your scirpt to solve your actual problem (rather than debugging it). So much so, that I would argue that it's worth reconsidering that threshold to prefer giving LLMs a shot much earlier than one otherwise may.

# WARN [handleDelegateWithdrawRewardEvent] (!SKIPPED!) no claim msgs found in tx: BCB1B0915F...
query investigation {
allClaims: distDelegatorClaims {
txClaims: distDelegatorClaims (filter: {transactionId: {startsWith: "BCB1B9815F"}}) {
nodes {
enum Interface {
# (see:
enum AccessType {
// AccessTypeUnspecified placeholder for empty value
// AccessTypeNobody forbidden
AccessTypeNobody AccessType = 1
.github/workflows/ci.yml | 104 +-
.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml | 38 +
.lgtm.yml | 4 +-
.travis.yml | 29 +- | 51 +- | 9 +
bindings/blst.h | 128 +-
bindings/blst.hpp | 630 ++++++--
bindings/blst.swg | 667 +++++++-
bindings/blst_aux.h | 29 +
bryanchriswhite / introduction.stories.mdx
Created March 23, 2022 19:32
Introduction mdx generated with storybook

import { Meta } from '@storybook/addon-docs'; import Code from './assets/code-brackets.svg'; import Colors from './assets/colors.svg'; import Comments from './assets/comments.svg'; import Direction from './assets/direction.svg'; import Flow from './assets/flow.svg'; import Plugin from './assets/plugin.svg'; import Repo from './assets/repo.svg'; import StackAlt from './assets/stackalt.svg';

bryanchriswhite / flutter test
Created November 12, 2021 08:41
Running integration tests from dart_wormhole_william (after copying from flutter_wormhole_gui)
$ flutter test ./integration_test/client/text_transfer_test.dart
Running "flutter pub get" in dart_wormhole_william... 630ms
00:00 +0: ...ole_william/integration_test/client/text_transfer_test.dart B
ninja: error: unknown target 'install'
Building Linux application...
00:00 +0 -1: loading /home/bwhite/Projects/flutter_wormhole_gui/dart_wormhole_william/integration_test/client/text_transfer_test.dart [E]
Exception: Build process failed
package:flutter_tools/src/base/common.dart 10:3 throwToolExit
package:flutter_tools/src/linux/build_linux.dart 185:5 _runBuild
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
bryanchriswhite /
Created June 7, 2016 17:36
keybase github proof

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am bryanchriswhite on github.
  • I am bryanchriswhite ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 1531 F17B B0D8 F9BE 0255 9B45 85CF B26E 3587 2F99

To claim this, I am signing this object: