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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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Historical FTP Special Request BLS Access
# Author: Bryan Goodrich
# Created: Sometime 2012? Earlier?
# These functions allowed direct querying and mapping capabilities to the Bureau
# of Labor Statistics (BLS) Special Requests data through their FTP site. The
# data were stored in fixed-width text files.
# This code is non-functional in that the BLS no longer supports this FTP access.
# Additionally, the specific Local Area (LA) statistics utilized are also not
# available through the new download portal. See links for details.
# This code is intended for conceptual review and potential use cases where
# one might want to map data in R using the maps package with publically
# available data.
# These data can be directly downloaded in txt or compressed XML (xlsx) formats.
classification <-
# Prepares classifications for a vector; can be extended to provide other classifications
function(x, n, sig = 4, method = "quantile") {
prettify <- function(x, s = sig) format(signif(x, s), trim = TRUE, nsmall = 0, big.mark = ",")
makeLabels <- function(n) {paste("(", prettify(cutoffs[n-1]), ", ", prettify(cutoffs[n]), "]", sep = "")}
cutoffs <- quantile(x, seq(0, 1, length = n+1), na.rm = TRUE)
labels <- sapply(seq(cutoffs)[-1], makeLabels)
labels[1] <- sub("\\(", "[", labels[1])
cut(x, cutoffs, labels = labels, include.lowest = TRUE)
} # end function
normalization <-
# Normalizes a variable by the area of its enumeration unit
function() {
importBLS <-
# Import county unemployment data from the BLS FTP site
# Arguments:
# year - Integer or character. Long-format (yyyy) year value. Valid for years 1990 to 2010.
# ... - additional arguments passed to read.fwf/read.table
# Returns:
# A data.frame containing cleaned up BLS data
function(year, ...) {
# Validation on year input
isValid <- year %in% paste(1990:2010)
if (!isValid)
stop("Year not supported.")
# Initalize variables to be used on import
year <- substr(year, 3, 4) # Files identified by last 2 digits
infile <- paste("", year, ".txt", sep = "")
WIDTHS <- c(8, 5, 8, 53, 4, 14, 13, 11, 9)
CLASSES <- c("factor", rep("character", 3), "factor", rep("character", 4))
FIELDS <- c("series_id", "sFIPS", "cFIPS", "name", "year", "labor", "emp", "unemp", "unrate")
# Import data from FTP into data frame
x <- read.fwf(url(infile), skip = 6, strip.white = TRUE, ...,
col.names = FIELDS, colClasses = CLASSES , widths = WIDTHS)
# Clean up imported data
x <- transform(x,
fips = as.numeric(paste(sFIPS, cFIPS, sep = "")),
labor = as.numeric(gsub(",", "", labor)), # Remove formatted strings that include ","
emp = as.numeric(gsub(",", "", emp)),
unemp = as.numeric(gsub(",", "", unemp)),
unrate = as.numeric(unrate)
); # end transform
} # end function
mapBLS <-
# Plots a choropleth map of the U.S. for a given BLS variable.
# Arguments:
# x - Data frame of BLS data. Expected to be an importBLS return object.
# var - Character string. Names a BLS variable. One of labor, emp, unemp, or unrate. Defaults unrate.
# link - Character string. Names the BLS variable that links to county objects. Defaults FIPS.
# classes - Integer. The number of classes to be used in the choropleth classification.
# palette - Character string. Color Brewer name for classification palette. Defaults Blue-to-Green (BuGn)
# sig - Integer. The numeric significance to use for classification values. Defaults 4.
# title - Character string. The title for the map. Defaults NULL. Can be added post-mapping with mtext.
# subtitle - Character string. The subtitle for the map. Defaults NULL. Can be added post-mapping with mtext.
# proj - Character string. A projection value from the mapproj package. Defaults polyconic. Other projections
# may require additional parameters (param) to be specified. Good choice for U.S. is 'bonne' projection
# with a value for the 39th Parallel (param = 39).
# normalize - Logical. Specifies if the variable values in each enumeration unit should be divided by the unit area.
# ... - Additional parameters passed to map function in maps package. This can include parameter values for projections.
# Returns:
# A map plot.
function(x, var = 'unrate', link = "fips", classes = 4, palette = "BuGn", sig = 4, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, proj = "polyconic", normalize = FALSE, ...) {
# Validate input
isMissing <- is.null(x) | is.null(var) | is.null(link)
if (isMissing)
stop("Required parameter missing")
# ========== Prepare Map Data ==========
cnty <- na.omit(county.fips) # record 2395 is NA in FIPS "south dakota,x"
if (normalize) {
m <- map("county", fill = TRUE, plot = FALSE, projection = proj, ...)
x <- normalization(x, m)
x[var] <- x['norm']
x$bins <- classification(x[, var], classes, sig = sig) # Classification
pal <- brewer.pal(classes, palette) # Color palette
matches <- x$bins[match(cnty$fips, x[, link])] # Matched Classes
# ========== Make Map ==========
map("county", col = pal[as.numeric(matches)], fill = TRUE,
bg = "grey95", projection = proj, ...)
if (!is.null(title)) mtext(title, cex = 1.2)
if (!is.null(subtitle)) mtext(subtitle, line = -1.5)
legend("bottom", levels(matches), fill = pal, bty = 'n', cex = 0.8, inset = 0, horiz = F, ncol=2)
} # end function
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