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Created December 29, 2015 15:29
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var gulp = require('gulp');
var plugins = require('gulp-load-plugins')();
var del = require('del');
var es = require('event-stream');
var bowerFiles = require('main-bower-files');
var print = require('gulp-print');
var Q = require('q');
var naturalSort = require('gulp-natural-sort');
var svgSprite = require("gulp-svg-sprites");
// == PATH STRINGS ========
var paths = {
scripts: 'app/**/*.js',
importantAppSripts: ['app/app.module.js', 'app/app.routes.js'],
styles: ['app/**/*.css', 'app/**/*.scss'],
svgicons: ['app/styles/icons/**/*.svg'],
images: './images/**/*',
index: 'app/index.html',
partials: ['app/**/*.html', '!app/index.html'],
distDev: './',
distProd: './',
distScriptsProd: './',
scriptsDevServer: 'devServer/**/*.js'
// == PIPE SEGMENTS ========
var pipes = {};
pipes.orderedVendorScripts = function() {
return plugins.order(
pipes.orderedAppScripts = function() {
return plugins.angularFilesort();
pipes.minifiedFileName = function() {
return plugins.rename(function (path) {
path.extname = '.min' + path.extname;
pipes.minifiedFileName = function() {
return plugins.rename(function (path) {
path.extname = '.min' + path.extname;
pipes.validatedAppScripts = function() {
return gulp.src(paths.scripts)
pipes.validatedPartials = function() {
return gulp.src(paths.partials)
.pipe(plugins.htmlhint({'doctype-first': false}))
pipes.scriptedPartials = function() {
return pipes.validatedPartials()
.pipe(plugins.htmlmin({collapseWhitespace: true, removeComments: true}))
moduleName: "myApp"
pipes.validatedIndex = function() {
return gulp.src(paths.index)
* Dev parts
///scripts dev
pipes.builtAppScriptsDev = function() {
return pipes.validatedAppScripts()
pipes.builtVendorScriptsDev = function() {
return gulp.src(bowerFiles())
pipes.validatedDevServerScripts = function() {
return gulp.src(paths.scriptsDevServer)
///style dev
pipes.builtStylesDev = function() {
return gulp.src(paths.styles)
///images dev
pipes.processedImagesDev = function() {
return gulp.src(paths.images)
.pipe(gulp.dest(paths.distDev + '/images/'));
///html dev
pipes.builtPartialsDev = function() {
return pipes.validatedPartials()
pipes.builtIndexDev = function() {
var orderedVendorScripts = pipes.builtVendorScriptsDev()
var orderedAppScripts = pipes.builtAppScriptsDev()
var appStyles = pipes.builtStylesDev();
return pipes.validatedIndex()
.pipe(gulp.dest(paths.distDev)) // write first to get relative path for inject
.pipe(plugins.inject(orderedVendorScripts, {relative: true, name: 'bower'}))
.pipe(plugins.inject(orderedAppScripts, {relative: true}))
.pipe(plugins.inject(appStyles, {relative: true}))
///app build dev
pipes.builtAppDev = function() {
return es.merge(pipes.builtIndexDev(), pipes.builtPartialsDev(), pipes.processedImagesDev());
Prod parts
///scripts prod
pipes.builtAppScriptsProd = function() {
var scriptedPartials = pipes.scriptedPartials();
var validatedAppScripts = pipes.validatedAppScripts();
return es.merge(scriptedPartials, validatedAppScripts)
pipes.builtVendorScriptsProd = function() {
return gulp.src(bowerFiles('**/*.js'))
///styles prod
pipes.builtStylesProd = function() {
return gulp.src(paths.styles)
///images prod
pipes.processedImagesProd = function() {
return gulp.src(paths.images)
.pipe(gulp.dest(paths.distProd + '/images/'));
///html prod
pipes.builtIndexProd = function() {
var vendorScripts = pipes.builtVendorScriptsProd();
var appScripts = pipes.builtAppScriptsProd();
var appStyles = pipes.builtStylesProd();
return pipes.validatedIndex()
.pipe(gulp.dest(paths.distProd)) // write first to get relative path for inject
.pipe(plugins.inject(vendorScripts, {relative: true, name: 'bower'}))
.pipe(plugins.inject(appScripts, {relative: true}))
.pipe(plugins.inject(appStyles, {relative: true}))
.pipe(plugins.htmlmin({collapseWhitespace: true, removeComments: true}))
///app buid prod
pipes.builtAppProd = function() {
return es.merge(pipes.builtIndexProd(), pipes.processedImagesProd());
// == TASKS ========
// checks html source files for syntax errors
gulp.task('validate-partials', pipes.validatedPartials);
// checks index.html for syntax errors
gulp.task('validate-index', pipes.validatedIndex);
// converts partials to javascript using html2js
gulp.task('convert-partials-to-js', pipes.scriptedPartials);
// runs jshint on the app scripts
gulp.task('validate-app-scripts', pipes.validatedAppScripts);
// removes all compiled dev files
gulp.task('clean-dev', function() {
var deferred = Q.defer();
del(paths.distDev, function() {
return deferred.promise;
// moves html source files into the dev environment
gulp.task('build-partials-dev', pipes.builtPartialsDev);
// runs jshint on the dev server scripts
gulp.task('validate-devserver-scripts', pipes.validatedDevServerScripts);
// moves app scripts into the dev environment
gulp.task('build-app-scripts-dev', pipes.builtAppScriptsDev);
// compiles app sass and moves to the dev environment
gulp.task('build-styles-dev', pipes.builtStylesDev);
// moves vendor scripts into the dev environment
gulp.task('build-vendor-scripts-dev', pipes.builtVendorScriptsDev);
// validates and injects sources into index.html and moves it to the dev environment
gulp.task('build-index-dev', pipes.builtIndexDev);
// builds a complete dev environment
gulp.task('build-app-dev', pipes.builtAppDev);
// cleans and builds a complete dev environment
gulp.task('clean-build-app-dev', ['clean-dev'], pipes.builtAppDev);
// clean, build, and watch live changes to the dev environment
gulp.task('watch-dev', ['clean-build-app-dev', 'validate-devserver-scripts'], function() {
// start nodemon to auto-reload the dev server
plugins.nodemon({ script: 'server.js', ext: 'js', watch: ['devServer/'], env: {NODE_ENV : 'development'} })
.on('change', ['validate-devserver-scripts'])
.on('restart', function () {
console.log('[nodemon] restarted dev server');
// start live-reload server
plugins.livereload.listen({ start: true });
// watch index, function() {
return pipes.builtIndexDev()
// watch app scripts, function() {
return pipes.builtAppScriptsDev()
// watch html partials, function() {
return pipes.builtPartialsDev()
// watch styles, function() {
return pipes.builtStylesDev()
* Prod TASKS
// removes all compiled production files
gulp.task('clean-prod', function() {
var deferred = Q.defer();
del(paths.distProd, function() {
return deferred.promise;
// concatenates, uglifies, and moves app scripts and partials into the prod environment
gulp.task('build-app-scripts-prod', pipes.builtAppScriptsProd);
// compiles and minifies app sass to css and moves to the prod environment
gulp.task('build-styles-prod', pipes.builtStylesProd);
// concatenates, uglifies, and moves vendor scripts into the prod environment
gulp.task('build-vendor-scripts-prod', pipes.builtVendorScriptsProd);
// validates and injects sources into index.html, minifies and moves it to the dev environment
gulp.task('build-index-prod', pipes.builtIndexProd);
// builds a complete prod environment
gulp.task('build-app-prod', pipes.builtAppProd);
// cleans and builds a complete prod environment
gulp.task('clean-build-app-prod', ['clean-prod'], pipes.builtAppProd);
// clean, build, and watch live changes to the prod environment
gulp.task('watch-prod', ['clean-build-app-prod', 'validate-devserver-scripts'], function() {
// start nodemon to auto-reload the dev server
plugins.nodemon({ script: 'server.js', ext: 'js', watch: ['devServer/'], env: {NODE_ENV : 'production'} })
.on('change', ['validate-devserver-scripts'])
.on('restart', function () {
console.log('[nodemon] restarted dev server');
// start live-reload server
plugins.livereload.listen({start: true});
// watch index, function() {
return pipes.builtIndexProd()
// watch app scripts, function() {
return pipes.builtAppScriptsProd()
// watch hhtml partials, function() {
return pipes.builtAppScriptsProd()
// watch styles, function() {
return pipes.builtStylesProd()
// default task builds for prod
gulp.task('default', ['clean-build-app-prod']);
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