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Forked from acdha/
Created February 13, 2010 03:16
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Run Django Tests with full test coverage
This starts coverage early enough to get all of the model loading &
other startup code. It also allows you to change the output location
from $PROJECT_ROOT/coverage by setting the $TEST_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIR
environmental variable.
import logging
import os
import sys
from coverage import coverage
def main():
PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
output_dir = os.environ.get("TEST_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIR", os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "coverage"))
print >>sys.stderr, "Test coverage output will be stored in %s" % output_dir
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', filename=os.path.join(output_dir, "tests.log"))
from django.conf import settings
# Start code coverage before anything else if necessary
use_coverage = hasattr(settings, 'COVERAGE_MODULES') and len(settings.COVERAGE_MODULES)
if use_coverage:
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "--branch":
cov = coverage(branch=True) # Enable super experimental branch support
cov = coverage()
cov.use_cache(0) # Do not cache any of the stuff
cov.exclude('^\s*$') # Exclude empty lines
cov.exclude('^\s*#.*$') # Exclude comment blocks
cov.exclude('^\s*(import|from)\s') # Exclude import statements
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import get_app, get_apps
# NOTE: Normally we'd use ```` here but
# we want to have South's intelligence for applying database migrations or
# syncing everything directly (based on ``settings.SOUTH_TESTS_MIGRATE``).
# South's test Command is a subclass of the standard Django test Command so
# it's otherwise identical:
from import test
# Suppress debugging displays, etc. to test as real users will see it:
settings.DEBUG = False
settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG = False
# This avoids things being cached when we attempt to regenerate them.
settings.CACHE_BACKEND = 'dummy:///'
# According to
# this should not be ahead of UpdateCacheMiddleware but to avoid this unresolved Django bug
# we have to place SessionMiddleware first to avoid
# failures:
mc = list(settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES)
except ValueError:
settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = tuple(mc)
# If the user provided modules on the command-line we'll only test the
# listed modules. Otherwise we'll build a list of installed applications
# which we wrote and pretend the user entered that on the command-line
# instead.
test_labels = [ i for i in sys.argv[1:] if not i[0] == "-"]
if not test_labels:
test_labels = []
site_name = settings.SETTINGS_MODULE.split(".")[0]
for app in get_apps():
pkg = app.__package__ or app.__name__.replace(".models", "")
# TODO: This should probably be something like settings.TEST_COVERAGE_MODULES.match(pkg)
if pkg and (pkg.startswith("our_common_prefix") or pkg.startswith(site_name)):
elif pkg in ['other_packages']:
print >>sys.stderr, "Skipping tests for %s" % pkg
print >>sys.stderr, "Automatically generated test labels for %s: %s" % (site_name, ", ".join(test_labels))
settings.DEBUG = False
settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG = False
command = test.Command()
rc = 0
sys.argv.insert(1, "test")
except SystemExit, e:
rc = e.code
# Stop code coverage after tests have completed
if use_coverage:
coverage_modules = filter(None, [
sys.modules[k] for k in sys.modules if any(
l for l in [ l.split(".")[0] for l in test_labels]
# Avoid issues with an empty causing __package__ == None
if k.startswith(get_app(l).__package__ or get_app(l).__name__.replace(".models", ""))
# Print code metrics header
print ''
print '-------------------------------------------------------------------------'
print ' Unit Test Code Coverage Results'
print '-------------------------------------------------------------------------'
# Report code coverage metrics
cov.html_report(coverage_modules, directory=output_dir)
cov.xml_report(coverage_modules, outfile=os.path.join(output_dir, "coverage.xml"))
# Print code metrics footer
print '-------------------------------------------------------------------------'
if rc != 0:
print >>sys.stderr, "Coverage report is not be accurate due to non-zero exit status: %d" % rc
if __name__ == "__main__":
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