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Created November 27, 2023 22:25
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Project Zomboid B41: a list of all vanilla trait refences with their label
AdrenalineJunkie == Adrenaline Junkie
Agoraphobic == Agoraphobic
AllThumbs == All Thumbs
Mechanics == Amateur Mechanic
Mechanics2 == Amateur Mechanic
Fishing == Angler
Asthmatic == Asthmatic
Athletic == Athletic
Axeman == Axe Man
BaseballPlayer == Baseball Player
Brave == Brave
Brawler == Brawler
Burglar == Burglar
NightVision == Cat's Eyes
Claustophobic == Claustrophobic
Clumsy == Clumsy
Conspicuous == Conspicuous
Cook == Cook
Cook2 == Cook
Cowardly == Cowardly
Deaf == Deaf
Desensitized == Desensitized
Dextrous == Dextrous
Disorganized == Disorganized
EagleEyed == Eagle Eyed
Emaciated == Emaciated
FastHealer == Fast Healer
FastLearner == Fast Learner
FastReader == Fast Reader
Hemophobic == Fear of Blood
Feeble == Feeble
FirstAid == First Aider
Fit == Fit
Formerscout == Former Scout
Gardener == Gardener
Graceful == Graceful
Gymnast == Gymnast
Handy == Handy
HardOfHearing == Hard of Hearing
HeartyAppitite == Hearty Appetite
Herbalist == Herbalist
HighThirst == High Thirst
Hiker == Hiker
Hunter == Hunter
Illiterate == Illiterate
Inconspicuous == Inconspicuous
IronGut == Iron Gut
KeenHearing == Keen Hearing
LightEater == Light Eater
LowThirst == Low Thirst
Lucky == Lucky
Marksman == Marksman
NightOwl == Night Owl
Nutritionist == Nutritionist
Nutritionist2 == Nutritionist
Obese == Obese
Organized == Organized
Out of Shape == Out of Shape
Outdoorsman == Outdoorsman
Overweight == Overweight
Pacifist == Pacifist
ProneToIllness == Prone to Illness
Resilient == Resilient
Insomniac == Restless Sleeper
Jogger == Runner
Tailor == Sewer
ShortSighted == Short Sighted
NeedsMoreSleep == Sleepyhead
SlowHealer == Slow Healer
SlowLearner == Slow Learner
SlowReader == Slow Reader
Smoker == Smoker
SpeedDemon == Speed Demon
Stout == Stout
Strong == Strong
SundayDriver == Sunday Driver
ThickSkinned == Thick Skinned
Thinskinned == Thin-skinned
Underweight == Underweight
Unfit == Unfit
Unlucky == Unlucky
Very Underweight == Very Underweight
NeedsLessSleep == Wakeful
Weak == Weak
WeakStomach == Weak Stomach
lactoseIntolerant == Lactose Intolerant
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