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Forked from natecook1000/Set.swift
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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// Set.swift
// Copyright (c) 2014 Nate Cook, licensed under the MIT License
import Foundation
public struct Set<T: Hashable> : Equatable {
typealias Element = T
private var contents: [Element: Bool]
public init() {
self.contents = [Element: Bool]()
public init<S: SequenceType where S.Generator.Element == Element>(_ sequence: S) {
self.contents = [Element: Bool]() { self.contents[$0] = true }
/// The number of elements in the Set.
public var count: Int { return contents.count }
/// Returns `true` if the Set is empty.
public var isEmpty: Bool { return contents.isEmpty }
/// The elements of the Set as an array.
public var elements: [Element] { return Array(self.contents.keys) }
/// Returns `true` if the Set contains `element`.
public func contains(element: Element) -> Bool {
return contents[element] ?? false
/// `true` if the Set contains `element`, `false` otherwise.
public subscript(element: Element) -> Bool {
return contains(element)
/// Add `newElements` to the Set.
public mutating func add(newElements: Element...) { { self.contents[$0] = true }
/// Remove `element` from the Set.
public mutating func remove(element: Element) -> Element? {
return contents.removeValueForKey(element) != nil ? element : nil
/// Removes all elements from the Set.
public mutating func removeAll() {
contents = [Element: Bool]()
/// Returns a new Set including only those elements `x` where `includeElement(x)` is true.
public func filter(includeElement: (T) -> Bool) -> Set<T> {
return Set(self.contents.keys.filter(includeElement))
/// Returns a new Set where each element `x` is transformed by `transform(x)`.
public func map<U>(transform: (T) -> U) -> Set<U> {
return Set<U>(
/// Returns a single value by iteratively combining each element of the Set.
public func reduce<U>(var initial: U, combine: (U, T) -> U) -> U {
return Swift.reduce(self, initial, combine)
// MARK: SequenceType
extension Set : SequenceType {
typealias Generator = GeneratorOf<T>
/// Creates a generator for the items of the set.
public func generate() -> Generator {
var generator = contents.keys.generate()
return Swift.GeneratorOf {
// MARK: ArrayLiteralConvertible
extension Set : ArrayLiteralConvertible {
public init(arrayLiteral elements: T...) {
// MARK: Set Operations
extension Set {
/// Returns `true` if the Set has the exact same members as `set`.
public func isEqualToSet(set: Set<T>) -> Bool {
return self.contents == set.contents
/// Returns `true` if the Set shares any members with `set`.
public func intersectsWithSet(set: Set<T>) -> Bool {
for elem in self {
if set.contains(elem) {
return true
return false
/// Returns `true` if all members of the Set are part of `set`.
public func isSubsetOfSet(set: Set<T>) -> Bool {
for elem in self {
if !set.contains(elem) {
return false
return true
/// Returns `true` if all members of `set` are part of the Set.
public func isSupersetOfSet(set: Set<T>) -> Bool {
return set.isSubsetOfSet(self)
/// Modifies the Set to add all members of `set`.
public mutating func unionSet(set: Set<T>) {
for elem in set {
/// Modifies the Set to remove any members also in `set`.
public mutating func subtractSet(set: Set<T>) {
for elem in set {
/// Modifies the Set to include only members that are also in `set`.
public mutating func intersectSet(set: Set<T>) {
self = self.filter { set.contains($0) }
/// Returns a new Set that contains all the elements of both this set and the set passed in.
public func setByUnionWithSet(var set: Set<T>) -> Set<T> {
return set
/// Returns a new Set that contains only the elements in both this set and the set passed in.
public func setByIntersectionWithSet(var set: Set<T>) -> Set<T> {
return set
/// Returns a new Set that contains only the elements in this set *not* also in the set passed in.
public func setBySubtractingSet(set: Set<T>) -> Set<T> {
var newSet = self
return newSet
// MARK: ExtensibleCollectionType
extension Set : ExtensibleCollectionType {
typealias Index = SetIndex<T>
public var startIndex: Index { return SetIndex(contents.startIndex) }
public var endIndex: Index { return SetIndex(contents.endIndex) }
/// Returns the element of the Set at the specified index.
public subscript(i: Index) -> Element {
return contents.keys[i.index]
public mutating func reserveCapacity(n: Int) {
// can't really do anything with this
/// Adds newElement to the Set.
public mutating func append(newElement: Element) {
/// Extends the Set by adding all the elements of `seq`.
public mutating func extend<S : SequenceType where S.Generator.Element == Element>(seq: S) { { self.contents[$0] = true }
// MARK: Printable
extension Set : Printable, DebugPrintable {
public var description: String {
return "Set(\(self.elements))"
public var debugDescription: String {
return description
// MARK: Operators
public func +=<T>(inout lhs: Set<T>, rhs: T) {
public func +=<T>(inout lhs: Set<T>, rhs: Set<T>) {
public func +<T>(lhs: Set<T>, rhs: Set<T>) -> Set<T> {
return lhs.setByUnionWithSet(rhs)
public func ==<T>(lhs: Set<T>, rhs: Set<T>) -> Bool {
return lhs.isEqualToSet(rhs)
// MARK: - SetIndex
public struct SetIndex<T: Hashable> : BidirectionalIndexType {
private var index: DictionaryIndex<T, Bool>
private init(_ dictionaryIndex: DictionaryIndex<T, Bool>) {
self.index = dictionaryIndex
public func predecessor() -> SetIndex<T> {
return SetIndex(self.index.predecessor())
public func successor() -> SetIndex<T> {
return SetIndex(self.index.successor())
public func ==<T: Hashable>(lhs: SetIndex<T>, rhs: SetIndex<T>) -> Bool {
return lhs.index == rhs.index
} do |s| = 'SwiftSets'
s.version = '0.0.1'
s.license = 'MIT'
s.summary = 'Set types built for Swift'
s.authors = { 'Nate Cook' => '' }
s.license = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE' }
s.homepage = ''
s.ios.deployment_target = '8.0'
s.osx.deployment_target = '10.10'
s.source_files = 'Set.swift'
s.requires_arc = true
#s.source = { :git => '', :branch => 'master' }
s.source = { :git => '' }
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