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Last active September 8, 2021 18:02
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  • Save bs/1e60c4967d8ebb88e444615499f30d1e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bs/1e60c4967d8ebb88e444615499f30d1e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tryidactyl config
" *------------------------------------------------------*
" | |
" | make firefox vim-y |
" | |
" *------------------------------------------------------*
" o
" o ^__^
" o (oo)\_______
" (__)\ )\/\
" ||----w |
" || ||
" blocklist
blacklistadd ^(http[s]?://)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+[:]?[0-9]*/lab " jupyter lab
blacklistadd ^(http[s]?://)www\.youtube\.com/watch\?.* " youtube
" blacklistadd ^(http[s]?://)mail\.google\.com/.* " gmail
" blacklistadd ^(http[s]?://)*\.github\.com/.* " github
" colorscheme base16-dracula
" Use vim in tmux for editor.
" set editorcmd iterm -e tmux -u new vim -S /home/britt/.vim/tridactyl.vim
set newtabfocus page
" But also support Tridactyl search too.
bind / fillcmdline find
bind ? fillcmdline find -?
bind n findnext 1
bind N findnext -1
" Only hint search results on Google and DDG
bindurl f hint -Jc .rc > .r > a
bindurl F hint -Jbc .rc>.r>a
bindurl ^ f hint -Jc [class=result__a]
bindurl ^ F hint -Jbc [class=result__a]
" Allow Ctrl-a to select all in the commandline
unbind --mode=ex <C-a>
" Allow Ctrl-c to copy in the commandline
unbind --mode=ex <C-c>
unbind --mode=ignore <S-Escape>
" For TreeTabs toggle to work
unbind --mode=normal <F1>
" Use convienant keys for hint mode
" set hintchars asdfgqwertvbn
" set hintchars 01234567890
" Git{Hub,Lab} git clone via SSH yank
" bind yg composite js "git clone " +
" ocument.location.href.replace(/https?:\/\//,"git@").replace("/",":").replace(/$/,".git") | clipboard yank
" Open right click menu on links
bind ;C composite hint_focus; !s xdotool key Menu
" Sane hinting mode
" set hintfiltermode vimperator-reflow
" set hintnames numeric
" sane keys to navigate up and down
bind --mode=ex <Tab> ex.next_completion
bind --mode=ex <S-Tab> ex.prev_completion
bind --mode=ex <C-j> ex.next_completion
bind --mode=ex <C-k> ex.prev_completion
" ctrl-c as esc
bind --mode=insert <C-c> composite unfocus | mode normal
" Better navigation
bind <C-j> tabnext
bind <C-k> tabprev
bind <C-h> back
bind <C-l> forward
" TODO: I should consider using alt-j/k for navigating up and down through collections
" bind --mode=ex <A-j> ex.prev_history
" bind --mode=ex <A-k> ex.next_history
" bind --mode=hint <A-j> hint.focusNextHint
" bind --mode=hint <A-k> hint.focusPreviousHint
" " bind --mode=ex <C-p> ex.prev_completion
" j bind --mode=ex <C-n> ex.next_completion
bind u undo tab
bind U undo window
set incsearch true
" Make gu take you back to subreddit from comments
bindurl gu urlparent 4
" Make Tridactyl work on more sites at the expense of some security.
command fixamo_quiet jsb tri.excmds.setpref("privacy.resistFingerprinting.block_mozAddonManager", "true").then(tri.excmds.setpref("extensions.webextensions.restrictedDomains", '""'))
command fixamo js tri.excmds.setpref("privacy.resistFingerprinting.block_mozAddonManager", "true").then(tri.excmds.setpref("extensions.webextensions.restrictedDomains", '""').then(tri.excmds.fillcmdline_tmp(3000, "Permissions added to user.js. Please restart Firefox to make them take affect.")))
" For syntax highlighting see
" vim: set filetype=tridactyl
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