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Last active June 3, 2021 21:51
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  • Save bs/966c8f92c98ba948f1d9047b5e61bf0b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bs/966c8f92c98ba948f1d9047b5e61bf0b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Surfingeys Config
// ---- Unmaps ----//
// Normal mode unmaps
// Let's get rid of things we don't want
// const unmaps = [
// 'x', 'ZQ', 'ZZ',
// 'ZR', 'sob', 'soB',
// 'sow', 'soW', 'sb',
// 'sB', 'sw', 'sW',
// 'cp', 'spa', 'spb',
// 'spd', 'sps', 'spi',
// 'sfr', 'yp', 'ab',
// ';cp', ';ap', ';db',
// ';dh', 'Q', '<Ctrl-6>',
// 'ob', 'oy', 'ow',
// 'm', 'd', 'u',
// '<Ctrl-Alt-d>',
// '<Ctrl-j>', '<Ctrl-k>'
// ];
// unmaps.forEach((u) => {
// unmap(u);
// });
settings.blacklistPattern = /.**|||;
// Settings
settings.smoothScroll = false;
settings.historyMUOrder = true;
settings.omnibarSuggestion = true;
settings.cursorAtEndOfInput = true;
settings.focusFirstCandidate = true;
settings.hintAlign = 'left';
//'border: solid 1px #ff79c6; color:#44475a; background: #f1fa8c; background-color: #f1fa8c; font-size: 10pt; font-family: "Fira Code"');
//'border: solid 8px #ff79c6;padding: 1px;background: #f1fa8c; font-family: "Fira Code"', "text");
// Always do tab selection in omnibar
settings.tabsThreshold = 0;
mapkey('<Space>', 'Choose a tab with omnibar', function() {
Front.openOmnibar({type: "Tabs"});
// Navigate Tabs
map("<Ctrl-w-j>", "R");
map("<Ctrl-w-k>", "E");
map("<Ctrl-j>", "R");
map("<Ctrl-k>", "E");
// Move page up/down properly (match vim mappings)
map("<Ctrl-f>", "d")
map("<Ctrl-d>", "d")
map("<Ctrl-u>", "e")
map("<Ctrl-y>", "e")
map('<Ctrl-i>', 'I');
// Bind Escape
imap("<Ctrl-[>", "<Esc>");
map("<Ctrl-[>", "<Esc>");vmap("<Ctrl-[>", "<Esc>");
cmap("<Ctrl-[>", "<Esc>");
imap("<Ctrl-c>", "<Esc>");
map("<Ctrl-c>", "<Esc>");
vmap("<Ctrl-c>", "<Esc>");
cmap("<Ctrl-c>", "<Esc>");
// Mappings to navigate menus with CTRL
cmap("<Ctrl-j>", "<Ctrl-n>");
cmap("<Ctrl-k>", "<Ctrl-p>");
mapkey('p', "Open the clipboard's URL in the current tab", function() {
Front.getContentFromClipboard(function(response) {
window.location.href =;
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