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Created January 30, 2020 09:26
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yii.activeForm and jquery onSubmit for this form. Do not call twice.
$('.feedback-form__form').on('submit', (function (e) {
// first time call before first call yii.activeForm submitForm
// set $.Deferred() in submitForm ()
// second time call before second call yii.activeForm submitForm
// note: fire submit again after ajax
// don't call form twice - js validate already is true
console.log('feedback-form__form submit');
let $form = $(this),
submitButton = $('input[type="submit"]', $form),
data = $'yiiActiveForm'),
promiseReady = false,
sendAjaxRequest = function () {
console.log('sendAjaxRequest : true+false or $.when($\'yiiSubmitFinalizePromise\')).done');
promiseReady = false;
let url = $form.attr('action'),
formData = new FormData($form[0]),
feedbackFormSuccess = function (data) {
if (data.success) {
$('.feedback__result', $form.parent('.modal-body')).text(data.success).addClass('feedback__result--success').removeClass('hide');
} else {
$form.yiiActiveForm('updateMessages', data.messages);
data.validated = false;
console.log('data.validated ' + data.validated);
submitButton.attr('disabled', false);
feedbackFormError = function (data) {
let responseJSON = data.responseJSON;
if (responseJSON.message) {
$('.feedback__result', $form.parent('.modal-body')).text(responseJSON.message).addClass('feedback__result--error').removeClass('hide');
submitButton.attr('disabled', false);
type: 'POST',
url: url,
data: formData,
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
success: feedbackFormSuccess,
error: feedbackFormError
console.log('data.validated ' + data.validated);
console.log('data.submitting ' + data.submitting);
console.log('$ ' + $'yiiSubmitFinalizePromise'));
if (data.validated && !data.submitting) {
// no not call twice in this case
} else {
if ($'yiiSubmitFinalizePromise') && !promiseReady) {
promiseReady = true;
// cleaning previous send result
$('.feedback__result', $form.parent('.modal-body')).text('').addClass('hide').removeClass('feedback__result--error').removeClass('feedback__result--success');
// disable submit
submitButton.attr('disabled', true);
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