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Last active March 2, 2025 03:07
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Various intersphinx mappings
# The entries in this file are checked regularly for validity via the Github Action
# sited at
# Please feel free to post an issue at that repo if any of these mappings don't work for you,
# or if you're having trouble constructing a mapping for a project not listed here.
Python 3 [latest]: ('', None)
Python 3 [3.x]: ('', None)
attrs [stable]: ('', None)
Django [dev]: ('', '')
Flask [2.2.x]: ('', None)
Flask [1.1.x]: ('', None)
h5py [latest]: ('', None)
matplotlib [stable]: ('', None)
numpy [stable]: ('', None)
pandas [latest?]: ('', None)
Pyramid [latest]: ('', None)
scikit-learn [stable]: ('', None)
Sphinx [master]: ('', None)
sympy [latest]: ('', None)
# Because of occasional historical complexity to SciPy's docs,
# I'm breaking it out separately.
# The form shown for v1.8.1 is expected to work for all versions
# from v1.7.0 onward. The additional versions v1.7.1 and v1.8.0 are
# included here for robustness of testing.
# The previous idiosyncratic entry for v1.8.0 is no longer needed now that the
# docs hosting config has been fixed, see
# and issues/PRs linked therein.
# The form shown for v1.6.3 should work for all versions back to at least v1.3.0;
# just replace the version number in the URL.
scipy [latest]: ('', None)
scipy [1.8.1]: ('', None)
scipy [1.8.0]: ('', None)
scipy [1.7.1]: ('', None)
scipy [1.7.0]: ('', None)
scipy [1.6.3]: ('', None)
# This should be a good template for most any docs hosted on RtD.
sarge [latest]: ('', None)
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vmagelo commented Feb 13, 2020

Very useful. Thanks.

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bmerry commented May 13, 2020

numpy at least is now on https.

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bskinn commented May 13, 2020

Good point, @bmerry. All updated.

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bmerry commented May 14, 2020

It also looks like numpy docs have moved - when I used the current intersphinx mapping it took me to a page that said I wasn't viewing the latest docs. It's now

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bskinn commented May 14, 2020

@bmerry, quite right, looks like they've restructured how they have the docs hosted. Updated as you indicated!

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jklymak commented Feb 16, 2021

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bskinn commented Feb 16, 2021

Fixed -- thanks, @jklymak!

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jklymak commented Feb 16, 2021

Wow, fast! But this list does come up quite high in google search, so your help in spreading the word is very much appreciated!

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bskinn commented Feb 16, 2021

Oh, wow, really @jklymak? Yikes, I'd better be more proactive about making sure these are all fresh...

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jklymak commented Feb 16, 2021

Yeah, I searched on "intersphinx matplotlib" and it is the first thing under the stack overflow answers ;-)

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rcomer commented Aug 2, 2021

Hi there, it looks like the scipy file has recently moved up one directory level. Removing "reference/" worked for me.

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bskinn commented Aug 3, 2021

Hey @rcomer! Indeed, it looks like scipy reorganized their docs, as you noted. Fixed, thanks for reporting the change!

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bskinn commented Feb 7, 2022

Something is up with the SciPy docs a/o 6 Feb 2022... Either they've restructured or something is broken. Will update here as I know more.

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rcomer commented Feb 7, 2022

@bskinn I think they are working on it - see scipy/

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bskinn commented Feb 7, 2022

@rcomer Looks like they've been working on it for quite a while: scipy/scipy#14267

I don't at all envy them the challenge of maintaining multiple current and historical versions of docs that have had to be restructured multiple times over the project history.

I might need to split SciPy out here by (minor?) version, depending on the solution they settle on.

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bskinn commented Feb 7, 2022

SciPy now split out by version range. Three epochs: (i) 1.3.0 (and earlier?) to 1.6.3, (ii) 1.7.x, and (iii) the current 1.8.0.

If the 1.8.0 mapping changes further, I'll update it here. My GH Action to check links is set to run once every three days, so I might not catch it immediately now set to run every twelve hours, so I should catch it pretty quickly.


I often find it difficult to know exactly how to reference a particular object, so I often do:

python -m sphinx.ext.intersphinx > objects.inv

And then grep through the output to figure out if e.g. I should use :attr: or :meth:

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bskinn commented Apr 28, 2022

@ConstantinoSchillebeeckx Yep, that's definitely a good way to pull out that info.

Another way is my project sphobjinv, using the suggest CLI tool, e.g.:

$ pip install sphobjinv
$ sphobjinv suggest -su dataframe

They both give the same information, just presented differently.

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bskinn commented May 20, 2022

SciPy mappings updated after the team's fix to the docs hosting setup.

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Hi! Probably worth adding Jax? They deploy just the latest version to RTD, though:

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bskinn commented May 31, 2024

Heya, @agriyakhetarpal! Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't plan to put any more RTD examples into the gist, seeing as how any RTD mapping entries are going to usually follow the same template as the sarge listing that's already there.

On checking, it looks like Matthias already has Jax in Labs' intersphinx_registry, so that's good.

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