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This script takes a tcp port no and prints out the process that has that port open.
I find it handy in development if I've left some server app running and its holding a port open that I'm trying to use.
#! /usr/bin/env dcli
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dcli/dcli.dart';
/// Finds and displays details of any process which is listening on the given port no.
void main(List<String> args) {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('verbose', abbr: 'v', defaultsTo: false, negatable: false);
// matchLine();
var results = parser.parse(args);
var verbose = results['verbose'] as bool;
Settings().setVerbose(enabled: verbose);
if ( != 1) {
print(red('You must pass the port no to search for.'));
print(green(' dport <port no>'));
var port =[0];
var portNo = int.tryParse(port);
if (portNo == null) {
printerr(red('Invalid port No. $port'));
var found = viaNetstat(portNo);
if (!found) {
print('No process found to be running on $portNo.');
bool viaNetstat(int? portNo) {
var found = false;
var lines = <String>[];
'netstat -pnat'
.start(privileged: true, progress: Progress((line) => lines.add(line)));
for (var line in lines.skip(1)) {
if (line.contains(':$portNo ') && line.contains('LISTEN')) {
final columns = line.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\s+'), ' ').trim().split(' ');
if (columns.length == 7) {
var parts = columns[6].split('/');
var pid = parts[0];
var name = parts[1];
if (name.endsWith(':')) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
parts = line.split(' ');
var protocol = parts[0];
var parentPID = ProcessHelper().getParentPID(int.tryParse(pid) ?? 0);
final parentName = ProcessHelper().getProcessName(parentPID);
'${orange('PID: $pid Process: $name Protocol: $protocol')} ${blue('Parent: $parentPID Parent PID: $parentName')}');
found = true;
} else {
return found;
bool viaLsof(int portNo) {
// 'ss -tulpn src :$portNo'.start(privileged: true);
var processes = 'lsof -n -P -i +c 13'.toList(skipLines: 1);
var found = false;
for (var process in processes) {
var regexp = RegExp(r':\d+');
var match = regexp.firstMatch(process);
if (match != null) {
var port =!.substring(1);
var processPortNo = int.tryParse(port);
if (processPortNo == null) {
print(orange("Couldn't parse $process"));
if (processPortNo == portNo) {
var parts = process.split(' ');
var processName = parts[0];
var processPID = parts[1];
print('$processName $processPID');
return found;
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