Deploys a complete "Portworx-ready" Kubernetes cluster in GCP. Configurable elements:
- Kubernetes version (default 1.7)
- number of Minions (default 3)
- volume size per minion (default 10GB)
- machine type (default n1-standard-2 )
- region (default us-central1)
- region-zone (default us-central1-f)
[ Caveat Kubernetes 1.7.0 bug: If terraporx doesn't work (and loops on startup), log on to master and run this on this: kubernetes/kubeadm#335 (comment) ]
This shell script installs a complete Portworx Stack on Kubernetes including:
- 'etcd' cluster
- portworx deployed as Kubernetes daemonset
- influxdb (time series database for monitoring on persistent storage)
- Lighthouse cluster monitor/mgmt framework
gcloud compute firewall-rules create wordpress --allow tcp:30303 --target-tags=wordpress
gcloud compute firewall-rules create lighthouse --allow tcp:30062 --target-tags=lighthouse
gcloud compute instances add-tags k8s-master --tags wordpress,lighthouse
WP/MYSQL example based on
Create password.txt with password to use.
tr --delete '\n' <password.txt >.strippedpassword.txt && mv .strippedpassword.txt password.txt
kubectl create secret generic mariadb-pass --from-file=password.txt
See #wp-mysql.yml for configuration file.
Portworx Lighthouse will be accessible on the k8s-master node, port 30062
WordPress instance will be accessible on the k8s-master node, port 30303