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Created December 19, 2014 09:34
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Litecoin might make your pockets heavy in 2015

Litecoin might make your pockets heavy in 2015

Throughout this year I've been saying LTC under 0.01 would be a steal. In fact anything in the $2 range seems a good deal. My reasoning has been twofold, and frankly, obvious.

Early in 2014 when Charlie Lee (creator of litecoin) joined Coinbase, he gave a presentation about bitcoin. He was asked if Coinbase would add litecoin to which he responded, “not at the moment”. His reasoning was that the mass markets still didn't understand bitcoin, so it would potentially confuse people to add another crypto currency.

2014 has been the year of big bitcoin adoption, with names like Paypal (half in), Microsoft and Time, and the bitlicense. I believe by 2015, bitcoin will be a lot more mainstream and that Coinbase will have to adapt the the business model of GoCoin. The most likely candidate would be litecoin given the connection with Charlie Lee.

Whether this makes litecoin more valuable in the long term, it will bring litecoin in front of millions of existing Coinbase users and the pump will be epic.

The second reason is, being the second most well known and traded bitcoin clone, come next bubble, litecoin will deliver immense gains. We're already back to 2013 prices in the ~$2.

For your amusement, in 2013 I mined around 2000 LTC and eventually resigned myself to thinking LTC was dead and that “fontas” had killed it with his pumps. I sold them at $1.88, which wasn't unprofitable, but a month later (or something), the China Bubble happened and eventually peaked at $47 each.

Litecoin has ASIC mining which means it's become profitable enough for people to make specialist hardware for mining it.

I think it's safe to assume LTC wont go to 0, and even if the price does dip below $2, it wont stay below $2 forever (i.e. I believe a no loss exit would be possible). With that thinking, I will be accumulating some litecoins slowly (from spot buying and also using futures positions).

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