We will generate a master key with only the Certify capability and three subkeys with each of the Sign, Encrypt and Authenticate capabilities. These latter three keys are meant for daily use and will be transferred to an OpenPGP smartcard, which has three corresponding slots. The master private key can then be moved to offline cold storage, or stored on a second smartcard.
We are generating keys on a secure computer instead of on the card, because it allows more flexibility. Ideally this means a machine running Tails or one that is air-gapped and not connected to the internet.
This guide assumes that if you want to sign other peoples keys, then you will require the aforementioned secondary smartcard with your master key stored in its Signature slot, or if you only have one smartcard, then you'll have to fetch the master key out of cold storage. By default, GPG generates a master key with the Certify and