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Created January 17, 2022 19:08
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High-performance Pandas dataframe to SQL Server - uses pyodbc executemany with fast_executemany = True. This is an alternative to out-of-the-box Pandas df_to_sql, which is slow for larger dataframes.
def df_to_sql_fast(df, table_name, numeric_columns, date_columns, append_or_replace, conn):
Appends or overwrites a SQL Server table
using data from a Pandas DataFrame.
Submits df records at once for faster performance
compared to df_to_sql.
df (DataFrame): df used to create/append table
table_name (str): Name of existing SQL Server table
numeric_columns (list): List of numeric columns
date_columns (list): List of date or datetime columns
append_or_replace (str): Values 'append', 'replace' accepted
conn (object): pyodbc/pypyodbc connection object
cursor = conn.cursor()
if append_or_replace == 'replace':
cursor.execute('delete from ' + table_name)
cursor.fast_executemany = True
if numeric_columns:
df[numeric_columns] = df[numeric_columns].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce', axis=1)
if date_columns:
# convert date columns first to datetime, then to string -- otherwise an error is raised
df[date_columns] = df[date_columns].apply(pd.to_datetime)
df[date_columns] = df[date_columns].astype(str)
# with cursor.fast_executemany enabled, empty datetime can't be inserted, so replace w/ 1/1/1900
df[date_columns] = df[date_columns].replace({'NaT':'1900-01-01'})
df.replace({np.nan: None}, inplace=True)
lstcol = ['[' + c + ']' for c in df]
strcols = ','.join(lstcol)
lstvals = '?' * len(df.columns)
strvals = ','.join(lstvals)
sql = 'insert into ' + table_name + ' (' + strcols + ') values (' + strvals + ')'
cursor.executemany(sql, df.values.tolist())
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