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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Drush & Automation piece
# status report
drush @drupal7 status
# clear caches, learn about it
drush @drupal7 cc
# clear all caches
drush @drupal7 cc all
# run cron
drush @drupal7 cron
# list available modules / themes
drush @drupal7 pm-list
# set a variable value
drush @drupal7 vset user_register 0
# go get profiler builder module
drush @drupal7 dl profiler_builder
# enable the module
drush @drupal7 en profiler_builder --y
# example drush call provided by a downloaded module
drush @drupal7 distro things --untar
# go get more modules / themes chained together
drush @drupal7 dl views,ctools,context,admin_menu,features,zurb-foundation,jquery_update,entityreference,entity,devel
# where something is
drush @drupal7 dd views
# saves your butt if you move stuff around / migrate servers
drush @drupal7 dl registry_rebuild
drush @drupal7 rr
# disable modules
drush @drupal7 dis overlay
drush @drupal7 pm-uninstall overlay
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