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Last active January 18, 2016 16:07
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Work plan (get 2.x)
-- Get a feel for Unix / Drush / Drupal
-- get this running
-- Figure out how to get around and modify a file via VIM / vi in UNIX
-- Use Drush to install a basic site (VDD provides directions to do this)
-- run drush @drupal7 help (to see some commands)
-- get views, module_filter, admin_menu and zurb_foundation installed (drush dl, drush en)
-- instead of screwing around...
Disable overlay, dashboard and toolbar.
Enable module filter, admin_menu and admin_menu_toolbar (or whatever its called)
Enable views / views UI
Change the theme to Zurb foundation
Work on the basics of creating a blogging site
Create a new content type called "Blog Post" and add a field to it that lets you store tags for your posting
Create a view that displays blog posts with the fields who wrote it, when, etc.
Make the view as a list of items as well as a table
Add the ability to filter the table / sort the items
Create 5 BS blog posts for your site
Create a block that shows the last 3 postings.
Place that block on the homepage only
Create menu links to your views as well as homepage and a link to your twitter account
Get here and then ask for more stuff to mess with
--- Developer stuff ---
-- Understand how hook based architecture works
-- Write a blog about learning to get a site up the first time
Figure it out, ask questions, fail early and often
-- understanding hooks --
-- skim through some hooks to see what some common ones are
Two most important things in Drupal
- package manager -
- get features --
- get context --
- switch blocks placement to context
- create feature that captures context / views / content types / fields
- make git repo
- throw these in git repo
- turn the site into a install profile --
-- put profile into VC as well
** something only in drush
- turn the site into a recipe --
- add this to the profile and put it up on git repo.
- write hello world module
- make a form that saves input
- fields to save -- site name, site front page
- checkbox to optionally include css that adds green bar to the page (yes this is stupid)
- save these to the global variables (vet_set())
- hooks you'll need
something that's a callback from hook_menu
hook_page_build() (css gets added here)
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