#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <stdint.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <assert.h> |
#include <stdbool.h> |
/* A sudoku solver. */ |
/* |
Copyright (c) 2020 Jason Pepas |
Released under the terms of the MIT license. |
See https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT |
*/ |
/* |
Board file format: plain text, 9 lines of 9 numbers (zero for empty box). |
Example: |
530070000 |
600195000 |
098000060 |
800060003 |
400803001 |
700020006 |
060000280 |
000419005 |
000080079 |
*/ |
/* |
Data structures: |
- A 'box' is a set of the remaining possible solutions for a spot in the grid. |
This set is represented as a uint16_t bitvector, with the sudoke numbers 1-9 |
represented as the first 9 bits in the bitvector. |
- A solved box has only one bit set. |
- A 'board' is a 2-dimensional array (9x9) of boxes (bitvectors). |
- A solved board is a 9x9 grid of bitvectors which each have only one item. |
*/ |
/* |
The general approach is to iterate over the board and use logic to reduce |
the number of possible solutions in each box until the board is solved. |
Algorithm: |
- For each row, build a set of the solved numbers in that row, then |
remove those solutions from the remaining possibilities in each of the |
unsolved boxes in that row. |
- Do the same for each column. |
- Do the same for each 3x3 grid. |
- Repeat the above process until either the board is solved, or until |
deadlock is detected (i.e. the board state remains unchanged after an |
iteration). |
*/ |
/* |
These definitions are here to make the code more readable and to minimize |
the use of magic numbers. You can't really change them without altering the |
nature of the puzzle. |
*/ |
#define BOARD_SIZE 9 |
#define GRID_SIZE 3 |
#define TAB_SIZE 8 |
/* |
A note on coordinates and C array indexing: |
The row/col and grid/idx coordinates which are used in the code below in the range [1-9]. |
Methods which access g_board will translate these variabiles into C 0-based indexes. |
Use some typedefs here to try to keep variable types straight. Ideally these types would not |
be interchangable except in situations where there are explicit methods to convert between |
them. |
Row, Col, Grid & Idx are types of Coords. Box is a type of BitVec. |
*/ |
typedef int Coord; |
typedef Coord Row; |
typedef Coord Col; |
typedef Coord Grid; |
typedef Coord Idx; |
typedef int Num; |
typedef uint16_t BitVec; |
typedef BitVec Box; |
/* the board. access to the board should be confined to methods which translate between 1-indexed row/col or |
grid/idx coordinates and C 0-indexes. */ |
Box g_board[BOARD_SIZE][BOARD_SIZE]; |
/* print traces during iteration. TODO: make this a command line flag */ |
bool g_trace = true; |
/* some auditing for memory allocations / frees for detecting memory leaks */ |
uint32_t g_malloc_counter = 0; |
uint32_t g_free_counter = 0; |
void* dbg_malloc(size_t size) { |
g_malloc_counter++; |
return malloc(size); |
} |
void dbg_free(void* ptr) { |
g_free_counter++; |
assert(g_free_counter <= g_malloc_counter); |
free(ptr); |
} |
void dbg_alloc_check() { |
if (g_trace && (g_malloc_counter != g_free_counter)) { |
fprintf(stderr, "!!! malloc counter: %d, free counter: %d !!!\n", g_malloc_counter, g_free_counter); |
} |
assert(g_malloc_counter == g_free_counter); |
} |
/* methods for translating between row/col coordinates and grid/idx coordinates. all coordinates are 1-indexed [1..9] */ |
Row get_row_for_grid(Grid grid, Idx index) { |
assert(grid > 0 && grid <= BOARD_SIZE); |
assert(index > 0 && index <= BOARD_SIZE); |
return (((grid - 1) / GRID_SIZE) * GRID_SIZE) + ((index - 1) / GRID_SIZE) + 1; |
} |
Col get_col_for_grid(Grid grid, Idx index) { |
assert(grid > 0 && grid <= BOARD_SIZE); |
assert(index > 0 && index <= BOARD_SIZE); |
return (((grid - 1) % GRID_SIZE) * GRID_SIZE) + ((index - 1) % GRID_SIZE) + 1; |
} |
Grid get_grid_for_coords(Row row, Col col) { |
assert(row > 0 && row <= BOARD_SIZE); |
assert(col > 0 && col <= BOARD_SIZE); |
return (((row - 1) / GRID_SIZE) * GRID_SIZE) + ((col - 1) / GRID_SIZE) + 1; |
} |
Idx get_idx_for_coords(Row row, Col col) { |
assert(row > 0 && row <= BOARD_SIZE); |
assert(col > 0 && col <= BOARD_SIZE); |
return (((row - 1) % GRID_SIZE) * GRID_SIZE) + ((col - 1) % GRID_SIZE) + 1; |
} |
/** |
* Methods which directly access the global board are here. |
*/ |
/* set all 9 bits in this box. */ |
void board_set_all(Row row, Col col) { |
assert(row > 0 && row <= BOARD_SIZE); |
assert(col > 0 && col <= BOARD_SIZE); |
Box all_nums = /* 0b0000000111111111 */ 0x1FF; |
g_board[row-1][col-1] = all_nums; |
} |
Box board_get_box(Row row, Col col) { |
assert(row > 0 && row <= BOARD_SIZE); |
assert(col > 0 && col <= BOARD_SIZE); |
return g_board[row-1][col-1]; |
} |
/* convert a number to a bitvector. */ |
BitVec num_to_bitvec(Num num) { |
assert(num > 0 && num <= BOARD_SIZE); |
return 0x1 << (num-1); |
} |
/* add num to the box's bitvector. */ |
void board_set_num(Row row, Col col, Num num) { |
assert(row > 0 && row <= BOARD_SIZE); |
assert(col > 0 && col <= BOARD_SIZE); |
assert(num > 0 && num <= BOARD_SIZE); |
g_board[row-1][col-1] |= num_to_bitvec(num); |
} |
/* returns true if the number is set for the specified box/bitvec */ |
bool box_is_num_set(Box box, Num num) { |
assert(num > 0 && num <= BOARD_SIZE); |
return (box & num_to_bitvec(num)); |
} |
/* returns true if the box in the specified row/col is a subset of the specified bitmask */ |
bool box_is_subset(Row row, Col col, BitVec bitmask) { |
assert(row > 0 && row <= BOARD_SIZE); |
assert(col > 0 && col <= BOARD_SIZE); |
return (g_board[row-1][col-1] & ~bitmask) == 0; |
} |
/* count the number of bits which are set in the bitvector. */ |
int count_set_bits(Box box) { |
int i; |
int set_bits_count = 0; |
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { |
if (box & /* 0b1 */ 0x1) { |
set_bits_count++; |
} |
box = (box >> 1); |
} |
return set_bits_count; |
} |
/* subtract the possibilities in the specified bitvec from a box in the board */ |
void board_subtract_box(Row row, Col col, Box box) { |
assert(row > 0 && row <= BOARD_SIZE); |
assert(col > 0 && col <= BOARD_SIZE); |
g_board[row-1][col-1] &= ~(box); |
assert(count_set_bits(g_board[row-1][col-1]) > 0); |
} |
/** |
* End of methods which directly access the board. |
*/ |
/* is the box solved? */ |
bool box_is_solved(Row row, Col col) { |
assert(row > 0 && row <= BOARD_SIZE); |
assert(col > 0 && col <= BOARD_SIZE); |
Box box = board_get_box(row, col); |
int bitcount = count_set_bits(box); |
/* a box is solved if there is only 1 possibility for the row/col */ |
return bitcount == 1; |
} |
/* is the board solved? */ |
bool board_is_solved() { |
Row row; |
Col col; |
for (row = 1; row <= BOARD_SIZE; row++) { |
for (col = 1; col <= BOARD_SIZE; col++) { |
if (!box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
return false; |
} |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
/* gets a string representation of the numbers which are possibilites for a row/col */ |
char* box_get_str(Box box) { |
Num num; |
uint8_t bitcount = count_set_bits(box); |
char* box_str = dbg_malloc(sizeof(char) * ((bitcount * 2) + 1)); |
char* pbox_str = box_str; |
bool addSpace = false; |
for (num = 1; num <= BOARD_SIZE; num++) { |
if (box_is_num_set(box, num)) { |
if (!addSpace) { |
addSpace = true; |
} else { |
*pbox_str++ = ' '; |
} |
*pbox_str++ = (char)(num + '0'); |
} |
} |
*pbox_str++ = '\0'; |
return box_str; |
} |
/* return the character representation of the box. */ |
char* board_get_str(Row row, Col col) { |
assert(row > 0 && row <= BOARD_SIZE); |
assert(col > 0 && col <= BOARD_SIZE); |
Box box = board_get_box(row, col); |
char* box_str = box_get_str(box); |
if (!box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
char* bracket_box_str = dbg_malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(box_str) + 3)); |
sprintf(bracket_box_str, "[%s]", box_str); |
dbg_free(box_str); |
return bracket_box_str; |
} |
else { |
return box_str; |
} |
} |
/* print the board state. prints the possibilities for unsolved boxes in braces (i.e. [1 3 7]). */ |
void print_board() { |
Row row; |
Col col; |
int ntabs; |
char* s_board[BOARD_SIZE][BOARD_SIZE] = {0}; |
/* there is an attempt here to print the board in a way that aligns the boxes into a more readable format. |
to do so it's necessary to know the maximum size of the text for any box so all columns have the same size. |
TODO: add an outline (-, |) around the grids, but doing so will mess up the tab spacing |
*/ |
for (row = 1; row <= BOARD_SIZE; row++) { |
for (col = 1; col <= BOARD_SIZE; col++) { |
s_board[row-1][col-1] = board_get_str(row, col); |
} |
} |
/* calculate the maximum string size for any cell in order to calculate an appropriate number of tabs */ |
size_t max_slen = 0; |
for (row = 1; row <= BOARD_SIZE; row++) { |
for (col = 1; col <= BOARD_SIZE; col++) { |
size_t slen = strlen(s_board[row-1][col-1]); |
if (slen > max_slen) { |
max_slen = slen; |
} |
} |
} |
int max_tabs = max_slen / TAB_SIZE; |
for (row = 1; row <= BOARD_SIZE; row++) { |
for (col = 1; col <= BOARD_SIZE; col++) { |
char* box_str = s_board[row-1][col-1]; |
printf("%s", box_str); |
/* add tabs so each box is lined up */ |
for (ntabs = strlen(box_str) / TAB_SIZE; ntabs <= max_tabs; ntabs++) { |
putchar('\t'); |
} |
dbg_free(box_str); |
} |
putchar('\n'); |
} |
} |
/* print the board if tracing is enabled */ |
void tprint_board() { |
if (g_trace) { |
print_board(); |
} |
} |
/* a struct which pairs a box with an coordinate in a row/col/grid */ |
typedef struct { |
Box box; |
Coord coord; |
} BoxAndCoord; |
/* helper method to allocate and initialize a new box/coord pair */ |
BoxAndCoord* new_box_and_coord(Box box, Coord coord) { |
BoxAndCoord* box_and_coord = dbg_malloc(sizeof(BoxAndCoord)); |
box_and_coord->coord = coord; |
box_and_coord->box = box; |
return box_and_coord; |
} |
/* free an array of n BoxAndCoord pointers and the underlying BoxAndCoord structs */ |
void free_box_and_coord_array(BoxAndCoord** arr, int n) { |
int i; |
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { |
dbg_free(arr[i]); |
} |
dbg_free(arr); |
} |
/* a struct for tracking a tuple with its union box & coord bitvec */ |
typedef struct { |
Box box; |
BitVec coord_bitvec; |
} Tuple; |
/* helper method to allocate and initialze a new tuple from an array of box/coord pairs of size k*/ |
Tuple* new_tuple(BoxAndCoord* boxes[], int k) { |
int i; |
Tuple* tuple = dbg_malloc(sizeof(Tuple)); |
memset(tuple, 0, sizeof(Tuple)); |
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { |
tuple->box |= boxes[i]->box; |
tuple->coord_bitvec |= num_to_bitvec(boxes[i]->coord); |
} |
return tuple; |
} |
/* a struct to keep track of all tuples which have been found when scanning a row/col/grid */ |
typedef struct { |
int count; |
Tuple** tuples; |
} TupleCounter; |
/* helper method to allocate a new tuple counter */ |
TupleCounter* new_tuple_counter() { |
TupleCounter* counter = dbg_malloc(sizeof(TupleCounter)); |
memset(counter, 0, sizeof(TupleCounter)); |
return counter; |
} |
/* frees the memory allocated for a tuple counter and all associated tuples */ |
void free_tuple_counter(TupleCounter* counter) { |
int i; |
if (counter->count > 0) { |
for (i = 0; i < counter->count; i++) { |
dbg_free(counter->tuples[i]); |
} |
dbg_free(counter->tuples); |
} |
dbg_free(counter); |
} |
/* creates a new tuple counter which includes the specified tuple */ |
TupleCounter* counter_plus_tuple( |
TupleCounter* counter, |
Tuple* tuple |
) { |
int i; |
TupleCounter* new_counter = new_tuple_counter(); |
/* initialize count & alloc memory for tuple pointer array */ |
new_counter->count = counter->count + 1; |
new_counter->tuples = dbg_malloc(sizeof(Tuple*) * (counter->count + 1)); |
/* copy over existing tuple array */ |
for (i = 0; i < counter->count; i++) { |
new_counter->tuples[i] = counter->tuples[i]; |
} |
/* add the pointer for the new tuple to the end of the array */ |
new_counter->tuples[new_counter->count - 1] = tuple; |
/* free the memory used by the old counter, but not the memory used by the tuples in the old counter's tuple array */ |
if (counter->count > 0) { |
dbg_free(counter->tuples); |
} |
dbg_free(counter); |
return new_counter; |
} |
/* print a message about finding a tuple if tracing is enabled */ |
void trace_tuple_found( |
char* ordinal, |
Coord coord, |
Box box, |
char* antiordinal, |
BitVec match_bitvec |
) { |
if (g_trace) { |
char* box_str = box_get_str(box); |
char* match_str = box_get_str(match_bitvec); |
printf("found a tuple in %s %d for [%s] in %s: %s\n", ordinal, coord, box_str, antiordinal, match_str); |
dbg_free(box_str); |
dbg_free(match_str); |
} |
} |
/* print a message about finding possibilities in a row/col which are exclusive to a grid */ |
void trace_exclusive_found( |
char* ordinal, |
Coord coord, |
Box box, |
Grid grid |
) { |
if (g_trace) { |
char* box_str = box_get_str(box); |
printf("found a tuple in %s %d for [%s] exclusive to grid %d\n", ordinal, coord, box_str, grid); |
dbg_free(box_str); |
} |
} |
/* prints all the tuples found while scanning a row/col/grid */ |
void print_tuple_counter( |
TupleCounter* counter, |
char* ordinal, |
Coord coord, |
char* anitordinal |
) { |
int i; |
for (i = 0; i < counter->count; i++) { |
Tuple* tuple = counter->tuples[i]; |
trace_tuple_found(ordinal, coord, tuple->box, anitordinal, tuple->coord_bitvec); |
} |
} |
/* returns true if the array of unsolved boxes contains a tuple of size k */ |
bool boxes_are_tuple(BoxAndCoord* boxes[], int k) { |
int i; |
Box union_box = 0; |
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { |
assert(count_set_bits(boxes[i]->box) > 1); |
union_box |= boxes[i]->box; |
} |
/* a set of boxes is a tuple if the count of bits in the union of all bitvector is equal to the number of boxes */ |
return count_set_bits(union_box) == k; |
} |
/* a recursive method to scan all combinations of size K in an array of unsolved box/coords of size N. if a tuple is matched return a tuple counter with the new tuple */ |
TupleCounter* recurse_tuple_combinations( |
TupleCounter* counter, |
BoxAndCoord* arr[], |
int n, |
int k, |
BoxAndCoord* combo[], |
int index, |
int start |
) { |
int i; |
assert(n > 2); |
assert(k < n && k >= 2); |
assert(index >= 0 && index <= k); |
assert(start >= 0); |
if (index == k) { |
/* found a combo of unsolved box/indexes of size k */ |
if (boxes_are_tuple(combo, k)) { |
/* the combo is a tuple! */ |
Tuple* tuple = new_tuple(combo, k); |
return counter_plus_tuple(counter, tuple); |
} |
return counter; |
} |
for (i = start; i <= n - (k - index); i++) { |
combo[index] = arr[i]; |
counter = recurse_tuple_combinations(counter, arr, n, k, combo, index + 1, i + 1); |
} |
return counter; |
} |
/* find all tuples in an array of unsolved box/coords for a row/col/grid */ |
TupleCounter* find_all_tuples( |
BoxAndCoord* arr[], |
int n |
) { |
int k; |
assert(n > 2); |
TupleCounter* counter = new_tuple_counter(); |
/* look for tuples of size [2 .. n-1] in the combinations of unsolved box/coords for the row/col/grid */ |
for (k = (n - 1); k >= 2; k--) { |
BoxAndCoord* combo[k]; |
counter = recurse_tuple_combinations(counter, arr, n, k, combo, 0, 0); |
} |
return counter; |
} |
/* return the total count of all remaining possibliities in every box. |
a solved board has a possibilities count of 81. */ |
int possibilities_count() { |
Row row; |
Col col; |
int pcount = 0; |
for (row = 1; row <= BOARD_SIZE; row++) { |
for (col = 1; col <= BOARD_SIZE; col++) { |
Box box = board_get_box(row, col); |
int bitcount = count_set_bits(box); |
pcount += bitcount; |
} |
} |
return pcount; |
} |
/* read the board in from a file. */ |
void load_board(char* fname) { |
Row row; |
Col col; |
FILE* f = fopen(fname, "r"); |
assert(f != NULL); |
const int bufsize = 110; /* 9+2 per line * 9 lines + 1 null */ |
char buf[bufsize]; |
size_t count = fread(buf, 1, bufsize, f); |
assert(count >= 90); |
fclose(f); |
int i = 0; |
for (row = 1; row <= BOARD_SIZE; row++) { |
for (col = 1; col <= BOARD_SIZE; col++) { |
assert (i < bufsize); |
char ch = buf[i]; |
if (ch == '0') { |
board_set_all(row, col); |
} else { |
Num num = ch - '0'; |
board_set_num(row, col, num); |
} |
i++; |
} |
/* skip over the newline. */ |
char ch = buf[i]; |
while (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') { |
i++; |
ch = buf[i]; |
continue; |
} |
} |
} |
/* return the combined bitmask of all solved boxes in the row. */ |
BitVec get_row_solved_bitmask(Row row) { |
assert(row > 0 && row <= BOARD_SIZE); |
Col col; |
BitVec bitmask = 0; |
for (col = 1; col <= BOARD_SIZE; col++) { |
if (box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
bitmask |= board_get_box(row, col); |
} |
} |
return bitmask; |
} |
/* remove solved bits from a row */ |
void subtract_solved_from_row(Row row) { |
assert(row > 0 && row <= BOARD_SIZE); |
Col col; |
BitVec solved = get_row_solved_bitmask(row); |
for (col = 1; col <= BOARD_SIZE; col++) { |
if (!box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
/* subtract the solved bits from this box. */ |
board_subtract_box(row, col, solved); |
} |
} |
} |
/* get the unsolved box & coords for a specified row */ |
BoxAndCoord** get_row_unsolved_boxes(Row row, int nunsolved) { |
int i; |
Col col; |
BoxAndCoord** arr = dbg_malloc(sizeof(BoxAndCoord*) * nunsolved); |
i = 0; |
for(col = 1; col <= BOARD_SIZE; col++) { |
if (!box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
arr[i] = new_box_and_coord(board_get_box(row, col), col); |
i++; |
} |
} |
assert(i == nunsolved); |
return arr; |
} |
/* find tuples in a row and subtract them from any unsolved boxes which aren't part of the tuple */ |
void match_tuples_row(Row row) { |
assert(row > 0 && row <= BOARD_SIZE); |
int i; |
Col col; |
int nunsolved = BOARD_SIZE - count_set_bits(get_row_solved_bitmask(row)); |
/* there must be 3 or more unsolved boxes to do a meaningful check. */ |
if (nunsolved > 2) { |
BoxAndCoord** arr = get_row_unsolved_boxes(row, nunsolved); |
/* find tuples of size k in the different combinations of the unsolved columns array */ |
TupleCounter* counter = find_all_tuples(arr, nunsolved); |
free_box_and_coord_array(arr, nunsolved); |
if (counter->count > 0) { |
print_tuple_counter(counter, "row", row, "col"); |
/* subtract tuples from other columns in the row */ |
for (i = 0; i < counter->count; i++) { |
Tuple* tuple = counter->tuples[i]; |
for (col = 1; col <= BOARD_SIZE; col++) { |
if (!box_is_num_set(tuple->coord_bitvec, col)) { |
board_subtract_box(row, col, tuple->box); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
/* free tuple counter and memory allocated to track unsolved boxes */ |
free_tuple_counter(counter); |
} |
} |
/* subtract possibilities exclusive to a row from the other boxes in a grid */ |
void subtract_exclusive_from_grid_except_row( |
Box exclusive_box, |
Grid grid, |
Row row |
) { |
assert(grid > 0 && grid <= BOARD_SIZE); |
assert(row > 0 && row <= BOARD_SIZE); |
Num num; |
for (num = 1; num <= BOARD_SIZE; num++) { |
Row r = get_row_for_grid(grid, num); |
if (r != row) { |
Col c = get_col_for_grid(grid, num); |
if (!box_is_solved(r, c)) { |
/* board_subtract_box(r, c, exclusive_box); */ |
} |
} |
} |
} |
/* find possibilities in a row which are exclusive to a single grid, |
then subtract those possibilities from the other boxes in the grid */ |
void match_grid_exclusive_in_row(Row row) { |
assert(row > 0 && row <= BOARD_SIZE); |
Col col; |
int i, j; |
Box box_by_grid[GRID_SIZE] = {0}; |
BitVec solved = get_row_solved_bitmask(row); |
/* create a union bitvec for all the possibilities for each grid in the row */ |
for (col = 1; col <= BOARD_SIZE; col++) { |
if (!box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
int index = (col - 1) / GRID_SIZE; |
assert(index >= 0 && index < GRID_SIZE); |
box_by_grid[index] |= board_get_box(row, col); |
} |
} |
for (i = 1; i <= GRID_SIZE; i++) { |
/* iterate through each grid in the row and bucket the bitvecs to either the current |
grid or the union of the possibilites in all the other grids */ |
Box grid_box = box_by_grid[i - 1]; |
Box union_box = 0; |
for (j = 1; j <= GRID_SIZE; j++) { |
if (j != i) { |
union_box |= box_by_grid[j - 1]; |
} |
} |
/* possibilities in the row are exclusive to the grid if they are not present in any of |
the other grids in the row, and the possibility is not already solved */ |
Box exclusive = (grid_box &= ~(union_box | solved)); |
if (count_set_bits(exclusive) > 0) { |
Grid grid = (((row - 1) / GRID_SIZE) * GRID_SIZE) + ((i - 1) % GRID_SIZE) + 1; |
trace_exclusive_found("row", row, exclusive, grid); |
subtract_exclusive_from_grid_except_row(exclusive, grid, row); |
} |
} |
} |
/* iterate over the rows, reducing possibilities. */ |
void iterate_rows(int pass) { |
Row row; |
for (row = 1; row <= BOARD_SIZE; row++) { |
subtract_solved_from_row(row); |
/* ignore the first pass */ |
if (pass > 1) { |
match_tuples_row(row); |
match_grid_exclusive_in_row(row); |
} |
} |
} |
/* return the combined bitmask of all solved boxes in the column. */ |
BitVec get_col_solved_bitmask(Col col) { |
assert(col > 0 && col <= BOARD_SIZE); |
Row row; |
BitVec bitmask = 0; |
for (row = 1; row <= BOARD_SIZE; row++) { |
if (box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
bitmask |= board_get_box(row, col); |
} |
} |
return bitmask; |
} |
/* subtract solved possibilites from the specified column */ |
void subtract_solved_from_col(Col col) { |
assert(col > 0 && col <= BOARD_SIZE); |
Row row; |
BitVec solved = get_col_solved_bitmask(col); |
for (row = 1; row <= BOARD_SIZE; row++) { |
if (!box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
/* subtract the solved bits from this box. */ |
board_subtract_box(row, col, solved); |
} |
} |
} |
BoxAndCoord** get_col_unsolved_boxes(Col col, int nunsolved) { |
int i, row; |
BoxAndCoord** arr = dbg_malloc(sizeof(BoxAndCoord*) * nunsolved); |
i = 0; |
for(row = 1; row <= BOARD_SIZE; row++) { |
if (!box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
arr[i] = new_box_and_coord(board_get_box(row, col), row); |
i++; |
} |
} |
assert(i == nunsolved); |
return arr; |
} |
/* find tuples in a column and subtract them from any unsolved boxes which aren't part of the tuple */ |
void match_tuples_col(Col col) { |
assert(col > 0 && col <= BOARD_SIZE); |
Row row; |
int i; |
int nunsolved = BOARD_SIZE - count_set_bits(get_col_solved_bitmask(col)); |
if (nunsolved > 2) { |
BoxAndCoord** arr = get_col_unsolved_boxes(col, nunsolved); |
TupleCounter* counter = find_all_tuples(arr, nunsolved); |
free_box_and_coord_array(arr, nunsolved); |
if (counter->count > 0) { |
print_tuple_counter(counter, "col", col, "row"); |
/* subtract found tuples from other columns in the row */ |
for (i = 0; i < counter->count; i++) { |
Tuple* tuple = counter->tuples[i]; |
for (row = 1; row <= BOARD_SIZE; row++) { |
if (!box_is_num_set(tuple->coord_bitvec, row)) { |
board_subtract_box(row, col, tuple->box); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
free_tuple_counter(counter); |
} |
} |
/* subtract possibilities exclusive to a grid in a col from the other boxes in a grid */ |
void subtract_exclusive_from_grid_except_col( |
Box exclusive_box, |
Grid grid, |
Col col |
) { |
assert(grid > 0 && grid <= BOARD_SIZE); |
assert(col > 0 && col <= BOARD_SIZE); |
int num; |
for (num = 1; num <= BOARD_SIZE; num++) { |
int c = get_col_for_grid(grid, num); |
if (c != col) { |
int r = get_row_for_grid(grid, num); |
if (!box_is_solved(r, c)) { |
/* board_subtract_box(r, c, exclusive_box); */ |
} |
} |
} |
} |
/* find possibilities in a col which are exclusive to a single grid, |
then subtract those possibilities from the other boxes in the grid */ |
void match_grid_exclusive_in_col(Col col) { |
assert(col > 0 && col <= BOARD_SIZE); |
Row row; |
int i, j; |
Box box_by_grid[GRID_SIZE] = {0}; |
BitVec solved = get_col_solved_bitmask(col); |
for (row = 1; row <= BOARD_SIZE; row++) { |
if (!box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
int index = (row - 1) / GRID_SIZE; |
assert(index >= 0 && index < GRID_SIZE); |
box_by_grid[index] |= board_get_box(row, col); |
} |
} |
for (i = 1; i <= GRID_SIZE; i++) { |
Box grid_box = box_by_grid[i-1]; |
Box union_box = 0; |
for (j = 1; j <= GRID_SIZE; j++) { |
if (j != i) { |
union_box |= box_by_grid[j-1]; |
} |
} |
Box exclusive = (grid_box &= ~(union_box | solved)); |
if (exclusive != 0) { |
Grid grid = ((i - 1) * GRID_SIZE) + ((col - 1) / GRID_SIZE) + 1; |
trace_exclusive_found("col", col, exclusive, grid); |
subtract_exclusive_from_grid_except_col(exclusive, grid, col); |
} |
} |
} |
/* iterate over the columns, reducing possibilities. */ |
void iterate_columns(int pass) { |
Col col; |
for (col = 1; col <= BOARD_SIZE; col++) { |
subtract_solved_from_col(col); |
/* ignore the first pass */ |
if (pass > 1) { |
match_tuples_col(col); |
match_grid_exclusive_in_col(col); |
} |
} |
} |
/* return the combined bitmask of all solved boxes in the grid. */ |
BitVec get_grid_solved_bitmask(Grid grid) { |
assert(grid > 0 && grid <= BOARD_SIZE); |
int num; |
BitVec bitmask = 0; |
for (num = 1; num <= BOARD_SIZE; num++) { |
Row row = get_row_for_grid(grid, num); |
Col col = get_col_for_grid(grid, num); |
if (box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
bitmask |= board_get_box(row, col); |
} |
} |
return bitmask; |
} |
/* subtract solved possibilites from unsolved boxes in the specified grid */ |
void subtract_solved_from_grid(Grid grid) { |
assert(grid > 0 && grid <= BOARD_SIZE); |
Num num; |
BitVec solved = get_grid_solved_bitmask(grid); |
for (num = 1; num <= BOARD_SIZE; num++) { |
Row row = get_row_for_grid(grid, num); |
Col col = get_col_for_grid(grid, num); |
if (!box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
/* subtract the solved bits from this box. */ |
board_subtract_box(row, col, solved); |
} |
} |
} |
/* get unsolved box/coords pairs for a grid */ |
BoxAndCoord** get_grid_unsolved_boxes(Grid grid, int nunsolved) { |
int i = 0; |
Num num; |
BoxAndCoord** arr = dbg_malloc(sizeof(BoxAndCoord*) * nunsolved); |
for(num = 1; num <= BOARD_SIZE; num++) { |
Row row = get_row_for_grid(grid, num); |
Col col = get_col_for_grid(grid, num); |
if (!box_is_solved(row, col)) { |
arr[i] = new_box_and_coord(board_get_box(row, col), num); |
i++; |
} |
} |
if (i != nunsolved) { |
fprintf(stderr, "get_grid_unsolved_boxes(%d, %d)\n", grid, nunsolved); |
print_board(); |
} |
assert(i == nunsolved); |
return arr; |
} |
/* find tuples in a grid and subtract them from any unsolved boxes which aren't part of the tuple */ |
void match_tuples_grid(Grid grid) { |
assert(grid > 0 && grid <= BOARD_SIZE); |
Num num; |
int i, nunsolved = BOARD_SIZE - count_set_bits(get_grid_solved_bitmask(grid)); |
if (nunsolved > 2) { |
BoxAndCoord** arr = get_grid_unsolved_boxes(grid, nunsolved); |
/* find tuples of size k in the different combinations of the unsolved grid array */ |
TupleCounter* counter = find_all_tuples(arr, nunsolved); |
free_box_and_coord_array(arr, nunsolved); |
if (counter->count > 0) { |
print_tuple_counter(counter, "grid", grid, "idxs"); |
/* subtract found tuples from other columns in the row */ |
for (i = 0; i < counter->count; i++) { |
Tuple* tuple = counter->tuples[i]; |
for (num = 1; num <= BOARD_SIZE; num++) { |
if (!box_is_num_set(tuple->coord_bitvec, num)) { |
Row row = get_row_for_grid(grid, num); |
Col col = get_col_for_grid(grid, num); |
board_subtract_box(row, col, tuple->box); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
free_tuple_counter(counter); |
} |
} |
/* iterate over the grids, reducing possibilities. */ |
void iterate_grids(int pass) { |
Grid grid; |
for (grid = 1; grid <= BOARD_SIZE; grid++) { |
subtract_solved_from_grid(grid); |
/* ignore the first pass */ |
if (pass > 1) { |
match_tuples_grid(grid); |
} |
} |
} |
/* iterate over the board, reducing possibilities. */ |
void iterate_board(int pass) { |
if (g_trace) { |
printf("pass: %d\n", pass); |
} |
iterate_rows(pass); |
iterate_columns(pass); |
iterate_grids(pass); |
tprint_board(); |
} |
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { |
load_board(argv[1]); |
bool deadlocked = false; |
int pass = 1; |
int before_pcount = possibilities_count(); |
while (!board_is_solved()) { |
iterate_board(pass++); |
int after_pcount = possibilities_count(); |
if (after_pcount == before_pcount) { |
deadlocked = true; |
break; |
} else { |
before_pcount = after_pcount; |
continue; |
} |
} |
if (deadlocked) { |
if (g_trace) { |
printf("deadlocked:\n"); |
} |
tprint_board(); |
fprintf(stderr, "Error: don't know how to solve this board.\n"); |
} else { |
if (g_trace) { |
printf("solution:\n"); |
} |
print_board(); |
} |
/* make sure that there are no memory leaks */ |
dbg_alloc_check(); |
return EXIT_SUCCESS; |
} |
At this point the Sudoku solver has a pretty good success rate (meaning I haven't had a deadlock using the NYT puzzles for the past week).
There's some more work to do related to recognizing when a grid has possibilities that are exclusive to a row/col that would eliminate the other possibilities in the row/col (see the second situation referenced here. But I may do that if I discover an unsolvable puzzle.