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jesstelford /
Last active February 1, 2025 20:46
Read SHAPE UP by basecamp on a Kindle / reMarkable / eReader

Read Shape Up by basecamp on a kindle / reMarkable / eReader

Basecamp's new book Shape Up is now available online ( to read page-by-page.

There is a .pdf version, but that's not the best format for Kindle / other eReaders. Instead, we can convert the page-by-page into an eReader friendly format.

Part 1: Convert to a single page

NOTE: This has only been tested on Chrome

mghaught /
Created December 10, 2016 01:15
Building Static Sites with Middleman on S3

Building Static Sites with Middleman on S3

In 2015, I converted to a static site built with Middleman and hosted on S3 and CloudFront. I was asked how I went about that so this gist documents what I did, as best as I can recall. It's been nearly two years since then so some of the gems and tools may have changed for the better.

You may wonder why I shifted to a static site given how dynamic web content is these days. I've known for years that static sites are ideal for certain kinds of content and after hearing about Middleman for the upteenth time, I decided that when it was time to refresh our website, I'd take a look.

As a Ruby programmer, I found that Middleman allowed me to work in the same fashion as I did in Rails yet generate static content. I could still use data or Ruby code to customize how I generated the site.

Cost was another benefit. My monthly hosting bill is $0.13, which includes CDN features via CloudFront. How can you argue with that price? There were a