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Created January 23, 2015 16:15
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Rails git-flow shell script for easy branching
# Usage:
# ./ branch_name
echo "Changing to the home directory...";
echo "Creating new directory for our branch: $1...";
mkdir $1;
echo "Changing to the new directory...";
cd $1;
echo "Cloning the dev branch...";
git clone [email protected]:YOUR_PROFILE_URL/YOUR_GIT_REPO.git;
echo "Changing to the working directory (the folder that was just copied from git)...";
echo "Creating new local git branch: $1...";
git checkout -b $1;
echo "Pushing new branch to remote (creates it in github)...";
git push origin $1;
# Any other config setup, incl. copying database example yaml, et al.
echo "Running rake db:setup...";
rake db:setup;
echo "Starting the default Rails webserver (Webrick)...";
rails server;
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