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Created April 28, 2014 05:10
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Klein Bottle Asteroids
-- Klein Bottle Asteroids
-- By: bucketh3ad
-- Ludum Dare 29
import Keyboard
type Input = {space:Bool, dx:Int, dy:Int, dt:Time}
type GameObject a = {a | x:Float, y:Float, vx:Float, vy:Float, angle:Float, rev:Bool}
type Player = GameObject {}
data EnemyType = Small | Medium | Large
type Enemy = GameObject {size:EnemyType}
type Bullet = GameObject {age:Float,active:Bool}
data GameState = Play | Win | Lose | Begin | Victory
data Collision = LeftRight | TopBottom
type Surface = Player -> Player
data SurfaceType = Rectangle | Cylinder | Torus | Mobius | Klein | Chaosphere
type Game = {state:GameState, player:Player, surface:SurfaceType, enemies:[Enemy], bullet:Bullet}
defaultGame : Game
defaultGame = { state = Begin,
player = defaultPlayer,
surface = Rectangle,
enemies = defaultEnemies,
bullet = defaultBullet}
defaultPlayer : Player
defaultPlayer = {x = 0, y = 0, vx = 0, vy = 0, angle = 0, rev = False}
defaultEnemy1 : Enemy
defaultEnemy1 = {x = 50, y = 50, vx = 50, vy = 50, angle = 0, rev = False, size = Large}
defaultEnemy2 : Enemy
defaultEnemy2 = {defaultEnemy1 | y <- -50, vy <- -50}
defaultEnemy3 : Enemy
defaultEnemy3 = {defaultEnemy2 | x <- -50, vx <- -50}
defaultEnemy4 : Enemy
defaultEnemy4 = {defaultEnemy3 | y <- 50, vy <- 50}
defaultEnemies : [Enemy]
defaultEnemies = [defaultEnemy1, defaultEnemy2, defaultEnemy3, defaultEnemy4]
testEnemies : [Enemy]
testEnemies = [defaultEnemy1]
defaultBullet : Bullet
defaultBullet = {x = 0, y = 0, vx = 0, vy = 0, angle = 0, rev = False, age = 0,active = False}
delta : Signal Time
delta = inSeconds <~ fps 60
input : Signal Input
input = sampleOn delta (Input <~
~ lift .x Keyboard.arrows
~ lift .y Keyboard.arrows
~ delta)
thrustFactor : Float
thrustFactor = 2
outerXMax : Float
outerXMax = 380
innerXMax : Float
innerXMax = 335
outerYMax : Float
outerYMax = 280
innerYMax : Float
innerYMax = 235
--Helper functions
doV : [Collision] -> Bool
doV cols = any (\n -> n == TopBottom) cols
doH : [Collision] -> Bool
doH cols = any (\n -> n == LeftRight) cols
reflectAngle : Bool -> Float -> Float
reflectAngle yaxis a =
if yaxis then -a
else 180 - a
findDistance : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float
findDistance ax ay bx by =
let x' = ax - bx
y' = ay - by
in sqrt (x'^2 + y'^2)
enemySize : EnemyType -> Float
enemySize t =
if |t == Small -> 18
|t == Medium -> 30
|t == Large -> 45
nextSurface : SurfaceType -> SurfaceType
nextSurface s =
if | s == Rectangle -> Cylinder
| s == Cylinder -> Mobius
| s == Mobius -> Torus
| s == Torus -> Klein
| s == Klein -> Chaosphere
| s == Chaosphere -> Rectangle
getSurface : SurfaceType -> Surface
getSurface s =
if | s == Rectangle -> rectangle
| s == Cylinder -> cylinder
| s == Mobius -> mobius
| s == Torus -> torus
| s == Klein -> klein
| s == Chaosphere -> chaosphere
--Surface definitions
rectangle : Player -> Player
rectangle = collideRect [LeftRight,TopBottom]
cylinder : Player -> Player
cylinder = collideCyl [LeftRight] . collideRect [TopBottom]
mobius : Player -> Player
mobius = collideMobius [LeftRight] . collideRect [TopBottom]
torus : Player -> Player
torus = collideCyl [LeftRight,TopBottom]
klein : Player -> Player
klein = collideMobius [LeftRight] . collideCyl [TopBottom]
chaosphere : Player -> Player
chaosphere = collideMobius [LeftRight,TopBottom]
--Border collision functions
collideRect : [Collision] -> Player -> Player
collideRect cols ({x,y,vx,vy,angle,rev} as p) =
let collidingH = abs x >= innerXMax
collidingV = abs y >= innerYMax
doH' = collidingH && doH cols
doV' = collidingV && doV cols
in {p | vx <- if doH' then -vx else vx
, vy <- if doV' then -vy else vy
, x <- if doH' then clamp -innerXMax innerXMax x else x
, y <- if doV' then clamp -innerYMax innerYMax y else y }
collideCyl : [Collision] -> Player -> Player
collideCyl cols ({x,y,vx,vy,angle,rev} as p) =
let collidingH = abs x >= outerXMax
collidingV = abs y >= outerYMax
in {p | x <- if collidingH && doH cols then -x else x
, y <- if collidingV && doV cols then -y else y }
collideMobius : [Collision] -> Player -> Player
collideMobius cols ({x,y,vx,vy,angle,rev} as p) =
let collidingH = abs x >= outerXMax
collidingV = abs y >= outerYMax
doV' = collidingV && doV cols
doH' = collidingH && doH cols
doMove = doH' || doV'
in {p | x <- if doMove then -x else x
, y <- if doMove then -y else y
, vx <- if doV' then -vx else vx
, vy <- if doH' then -vy else vy
, angle <- if doMove then reflectAngle doV' angle else angle
, rev <- if doMove then not rev else rev}
--Object collision functions
checkCollision : GameObject a -> Enemy -> Bool
checkCollision obj e = findDistance e.x e.y obj.x obj.y <= enemySize e.size
mapPlayerCollisions : Player -> [Enemy] -> Bool
mapPlayerCollisions p es =
let bools = map (checkCollision p) es
in any (\ n -> n) bools
mapBulletCollisions : Bullet -> [Enemy] -> ([Enemy],Bool)
mapBulletCollisions b es =
let bools = map (checkCollision b) es
b' = any (\ n -> n) bools
es' = concat <| map handleBulletCollision (zip es bools)
in (es',b')
handleBulletCollision : (Enemy,Bool) -> [Enemy]
handleBulletCollision (e,b) =
if | b && e.size == Small -> []
| b -> splitEnemy e
| otherwise -> [e]
splitEnemy : Enemy -> [Enemy]
splitEnemy e =
let newsize = if e.size == Large then Medium else Small
dx = if e.vx > 0 then 15 else -15
dy = if e.vy > 0 then 15 else -15
e1 = {e | vx <- e.vx + dx
, vy <- e.vy - dy
, size <- newsize }
e2 = {e | vx <- e.vx - dx
, vy <- e.vy + dy
, size <- newsize }
in [e1,e2]
--Movement functions
applyThrust : Bool -> Float -> Player -> Player
applyThrust active dt ({x,y,vx,vy,angle,rev} as p) =
vxA = if active
then thrustFactor*(sin (degrees angle))
else 0
vyA = if active
then thrustFactor*(cos (degrees angle))
else 0
vx' = clamp -200 200 (vx - vxA)
vy' = clamp -200 200 (vy + vyA)
in {p | vx <- vx'
, vy <- vy'
, x <- movePlayer dt x vx -outerXMax outerXMax
, y <- movePlayer dt y vy -outerYMax outerYMax }
enemyMovement : Float -> Enemy -> Enemy
enemyMovement dt e =
{ e| x <- movePlayer dt e.x e.vx -outerXMax outerXMax
, y <- movePlayer dt e.y e.vy -outerYMax outerYMax }
movePlayer : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float
movePlayer dt x vx xmin xmax = clamp xmin xmax (x + vx * dt)
--Update functions
createBullet : Player -> Bullet
createBullet ({x,y,vx,vy,angle,rev} as p) =
let vx' = -(sin (degrees angle) * 200)
vy' = cos (degrees angle) * 200
in {x = p.x, y = p.y, vx = vx', vy = vy', angle = p.angle, rev = p.rev, age = 0, active = True}
stepBullet : Surface -> Input -> Bullet -> Bullet
stepBullet surface ({space,dx,dy,dt} as i) ({x,y,vx,vy,angle,rev,age,active} as b) =
let active' = active && age <= 2
age' = if active' then age + dt else 0
b' = { b | x <- movePlayer dt x vx -outerXMax outerXMax
, y <- movePlayer dt y vy -outerYMax outerYMax }
b'' = {b' - age}
b''' = surface <| {b'' - active}
b'''' = {b''' | age = age'}
in { b'''' | active = active' }
stepEnemy : Surface -> Input -> Enemy -> Enemy
stepEnemy surface ({space,dx,dy,dt} as i) ({x,y,vx,vy,angle,rev,size} as e) =
let angle' = if rev then angle + (dt * 50) else angle - (dt * 50)
e' = enemyMovement dt e
e'' = surface <| { e' - size }
e''' = { e'' | size = e.size }
in { e''' | angle <- angle'}
stepPlayer : Surface -> Input -> Player -> Player
stepPlayer surface ({space,dx,dy,dt} as i) ({x,y,vx,vy,angle,rev} as p) =
let p' = surface <| applyThrust (dy == 1) dt p
dx' = if rev then -dx else dx
in {p' | angle <- p'.angle - (toFloat dx' * dt * 100)}
stepGame : Input -> Game -> Game
stepGame ({space,dx,dy,dt} as i) ({state,player,surface,enemies,bullet} as g) =
let stuck = abs player.x == outerXMax && abs player.y == outerYMax
p' = if stuck then {player | x <- 0, y <-0 } else player
b' = if not && space && state == Play
then createBullet player
else bullet
bulletCollision = if then mapBulletCollisions bullet enemies else (enemies,False)
b'' = if not (snd bulletCollision) then b'
else { b' | active <- False }
e' = fst bulletCollision
playerCollision = mapPlayerCollisions p' e'
state' = if | length e' == 0 -> Win
| playerCollision -> Lose
| otherwise -> state
p'' = if | state' == Play -> stepPlayer (getSurface surface) i p'
| state' /= Play && space -> defaultPlayer
| otherwise -> p'
e'' = if | state' == Play -> map (stepEnemy (getSurface surface) i) e'
| state' /= Play && space -> defaultEnemies
| otherwise -> e'
b''' = if state' == Play then stepBullet (getSurface surface) i b'' else { b'' | active <- False }
nextSurf = nextSurface surface
surface' = if state' == Win && space then nextSurf else surface
state'' = if | state' /= Play && space -> Play
| state' == Win && surface' == Chaosphere -> Victory
| otherwise -> state'
in {g | player <- p''
, enemies <- e''
, bullet <- b'''
, surface <- surface'
, state <- state'' }
gameState : Signal Game
gameState = foldp stepGame defaultGame input
background : Form
background = rect 800 600 |> filled black
foreground : Form
foreground = group
[ rect 50 600 |> filled white
|> move (-375,0)
, rect 50 600 |> filled white
|> move (375, 0)
, rect 800 50 |> filled white
|> move (0,-275)
, rect 800 50 |> filled white
|> move (0, 275)
drawPlayer : Bool -> Form
drawPlayer rev =
let x' = if rev then 4 else -4
in group
[ circle 4 |> filled darkBlue |> move (x',-6)
, circle 4 |> filled red |> move (-x',-6)
, polygon [(0,15),(-10,-10),(10,-10)] |> outlined (solid white)
drawBullet : Form
drawBullet = circle 5 |> filled white
drawEnemy : Enemy -> Form
drawEnemy e =
let e' = if | e.size == Large -> ngon 12 35 |> outlined (solid white)
| e.size == Medium -> ngon 6 25 |> outlined (solid white)
| e.size == Small -> ngon 3 10 |> outlined (solid white)
in e' |> move (e.x,e.y) |> rotate (degrees e.angle)
drawEnemies : [Enemy] -> Form
drawEnemies = group . map drawEnemy
prettyStats : [Float] -> Form
prettyStats = formatText . show . map (\n -> truncate n)
formatText : String -> Form
formatText = toForm . centered . (Text.color white) . toText
drawVictory : Form
drawVictory = "Congratulations! You have conquered every surface!"
|> formatText
drawInstruction : Form
drawInstruction = "Press SPACE to start. Control with the arrow keys"
|> formatText
drawGame : Game -> Element
drawGame ({state,player,surface,enemies,bullet} as game) =
let bullet' = if not
then toForm (spacer 1 1)
else drawBullet |> move (bullet.x, bullet.y)
v' = if state == Victory
then drawVictory |> move (0,100)
else toForm (spacer 1 1)
i' = if state == Begin
then drawInstruction |> move (0,100)
else toForm (spacer 1 1)
in collage 800 600
[ background
, drawPlayer player.rev
|> move (player.x, player.y)
|> rotate (degrees player.angle)
, drawEnemies enemies
, bullet'
, v'
, i'
--, prettyStats [player.x,player.y,player.vx,player.vy]
-- |> move (0, -100)
, show state |> formatText
|> move (0,200)
, show surface |> formatText
|> move (0,-200)
, foreground
main : Signal Element
main = lift drawGame gameState
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