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Created September 21, 2016 15:36
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-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.10.0)
-----> Converging <default-centos-67>...
Preparing files for transfer
Preparing dna.json
Resolving cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf 4.3.5...
Removing non-cookbook files before transfer
Preparing validation.pem
Preparing client.rb
-----> Chef Omnibus installation detected (install only if missing)
Transferring files to <default-centos-67>
Starting Chef Client, version 12.14.77
resolving cookbooks for run list: ["babylon-yum::default"]
Synchronizing Cookbooks:
- yum-babylon (0.1.0)
- yum (3.10.0)
- babylon-yum (0.1.0)
- yum-remi (0.1.0)
- yum-epel (0.7.0)
Installing Cookbook Gems:
Compiling Cookbooks...
[2016-09-21T15:32:23+00:00] WARN: Chef::Provider::YumRepository already exists! Cannot create deprecation class for LWRP provider yum_repository from cookbook yum
[2016-09-21T15:32:23+00:00] WARN: YumRepository already exists! Deprecation class overwrites Custom resource yum_repository from cookbook yum
Recipe Compile Error in /tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/babylon-yum/recipes/default.rb
Option action must be equal to one of: nothing, create, remove, make_cache, add, delete! You passed :makecache.
Cookbook Trace:
/tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/yum-babylon/recipes/default.rb:16:in `block in from_file'
/tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/yum-babylon/recipes/default.rb:12:in `from_file'
/tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/babylon-yum/recipes/default.rb:9:in `from_file'
Relevant File Content:
10: this_url = node['yum-babylon']['base_url'] + node['yum-babylon']['repo']
12: yum_repository 'babylon' do
13: description "babylon RPM repository"
14: baseurl "#{this_url}"
15: gpgcheck false
16>> action [:create, :makecache]
17: end
Running handlers:
[2016-09-21T15:32:23+00:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
Running handlers complete
[2016-09-21T15:32:23+00:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
Chef Client failed. 0 resources updated in 01 seconds
[2016-09-21T15:32:23+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /tmp/kitchen/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
[2016-09-21T15:32:23+00:00] FATAL: Please provide the contents of the stacktrace.out file if you file a bug report
[2016-09-21T15:32:23+00:00] ERROR: Option action must be equal to one of: nothing, create, remove, make_cache, add, delete! You passed :makecache.
[2016-09-21T15:32:23+00:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1)
>>>>>> ------Exception-------
>>>>>> Class: Kitchen::ActionFailed
>>>>>> Message: 1 actions failed.
>>>>>> Converge failed on instance <default-centos-67>. Please see .kitchen/logs/default-centos-67.log for more details
>>>>>> ----------------------
>>>>>> Please see .kitchen/logs/kitchen.log for more details
>>>>>> Also try running `kitchen diagnose --all` for configuration
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