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Created July 29, 2013 13:21
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A Look at the WordPress HTTP API: A Practical Example of wp_remote_get
* Plugin Name: Twitter Demo
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Retrieves the number of followers and latest Tweet from your Twitter account.
* Version: 1.0.0
* Author: Tom McFarlin
* Author URI:
* License: GPL-2.0+
* License URI:
class Twitter_Demo {
* Instance of this class.
* @var Twitter_Demo
private static $instance;
* Initializes the plugin so that the Twitter information is appended to the end of a single post.
* Note that this constructor relies on the Singleton Pattern
* @access private
private function __construct() {
add_action( 'the_content', array( $this, 'display_twitter_information' ) );
} // end constructor
* Creates an instance of this class
* @access public
* @return Twitter_Demo An instance of this class
public function get_instance() {
if ( null == self::$instance ) {
self::$instance = new self;
return self::$instance;
} // end get_instance
* Appends a message to the bottom of a single post including the number of followers and the last Tweet.
* @access public
* @param $content The post content
* @return $content The post content with the Twitter information appended to it.
public function display_twitter_information( $content ) {
// If we're on a single post or page...
if ( is_single() ) {
// ...attempt to make a response to twitter. Note that you should replace your username here!
if ( null == ( $json_response = $this--->make_twitter_request('wptuts') ) ) {
// ...display a message that the request failed
$html = '
<div id="twitter-demo-content">';
$html .= 'There was a problem communicating with the Twitter API..';
$html .= '</div>
<!-- /#twitter-demo-content -->';
// ...otherwise, read the information provided by Twitter
} else {
$html = '
<div id="twitter-demo-content">';
$html .= 'I have ' . $this->get_follower_count( $json_response ) . ' followers and my last tweet was "' . $this->get_last_tweet( $json_response ) . '".';
$html .= '</div>
<!-- /#twitter-demo-content -->';
} // end if/else
$content .= $html;
} // end if/else
return $content;
} // end display_twitter_information
* Attempts to request the specified user's JSON feed from Twitter
* @access public
* @param $username The username for the JSON feed we're attempting to retrieve
* @return $json The user's JSON feed or null of the request failed
private function make_twitter_request( $username ) {
$response = wp_remote_get( '' . $username . '.json', array( 'sslverify' => false ) );
try {
// Note that we decode the body's response since it's the actual JSON feed
$json = json_decode( $response['body'] );
} catch ( Exception $ex ) {
$json = null;
} // end try/catch
return $json;
} // end make_twitter_request
* Retrieves the number of followers from the JSON feed
* @access private
* @param $json The user's JSON feed
* @return The number of followers for the user. -1 if the JSON data isn't properly set.
private function get_follower_count( $json ) {
return ( -1 < $json->followers_count ) ? $json->followers_count : -1;
} // end get_follower_count
* Retrieves the last tweet from the user's JSON feed
* @access private
* @param $json The user's JSON feed
* @return The last tweet from the user's feed. '[ No tweet found. ]' if the data isn't properly set.
private function get_last_tweet( $json ) {
return ( 0 < strlen( $json->status->text ) ) ? $json->status->text : '[ No tweet found. ]';
} // end get_last_tweet
} // end class
// Trigger the plugin
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