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Last active December 29, 2021 08:49
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chrono helper(boost & std chrono inter-convertion)
#include <boost/chrono.hpp>
#include <chrono>
// from
namespace sc = ::std::chrono;
namespace bc = ::boost::chrono;
namespace chrono_helper {
// std::is_same_v<to_std_ratio_t<boost::ratio<N,D>>, std::ratio<N,D>>
// if and only if N, D are coprime and D is positive
template<typename Ratio>
using to_std_ratio_t = std::ratio<Ratio::num, Ratio::den>;
// std::is_same_v<to_boost_ratio_t<std::ratio<N,D>>, boost::ratio<N,D>>
// if and only if N, D are coprime and D is positive
template<typename Ratio>
using to_boost_ratio_t = boost::ratio<Ratio::num, Ratio::den>;
template<typename Rep, typename Period> inline constexpr
sc::duration<Rep, to_std_ratio_t<Period>>
to_std_chrono(const bc::duration<Rep, Period> &d)
return sc::duration<Rep, to_std_ratio_t<Period>>
template<typename Rep, typename Period> inline constexpr
sc::duration<Rep, to_std_ratio_t<Period>>>
to_std_chrono(const bc::time_point<bc::system_clock,
bc::duration<Rep, Period>> &t)
// Assuming same epoch
return sc::time_point<sc::system_clock,
sc::duration<Rep, to_std_ratio_t<Period>>>
template<typename Rep, typename Period> inline constexpr
bc::duration<Rep, to_boost_ratio_t<Period>>
to_boost_chrono(const sc::duration<Rep, Period> &d)
return bc::duration<Rep, to_boost_ratio_t<Period>>
template<typename Rep, typename Period> static constexpr
bc::duration<Rep, to_boost_ratio_t<Period>>>
to_boost_chrono(const sc::time_point<sc::system_clock,
sc::duration<Rep, Period>> &t)
// Assuming same epoch
return bc::time_point<bc::system_clock,
bc::duration<Rep, to_boost_ratio_t<Period>>>
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