#1. Deep link
Deep linking is the easiest integration (because there is the least chance of technical failure), but it requires that the user has both the Open and the Shortcut apps.
It is as simple as letting the user click on a URL like the one as follows:
In the AndroidManifest.xml
<activity android:name="co.uk.shortcutapp.shortcut.MenuActivity"
android:label="@string/title_shortcutapp" >
<intent-filter android:label="@string/filter_title_viewshortcutapp">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<data android:scheme="https"
android:pathPrefix="/shortcutapp" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
#2. Full API
We need to speak more if you wanted to go this route.
There are 2 main calls:
The inventory call which returns a result like this:
[inventories: ( { "age_restricted" = 0; available = 1; category = Merchandise; concessions = ( { id = 1; } ); "created_at" = "2014-10-29T19:11:21.761+00:00"; description = ""; "hard_purchase_limit" = 0; id = 501; "image_url" = "<null>"; name = "Hotdog"; "options_categories" = ( { id = 474; "max_selections" = 1; "min_selections" = 1; name = Size; options = ( { id = 660; "integer_price" = 100; "is_default" = 0; name = "Footlong"; position = 1; }, { id = 778; "integer_price" = 50; "is_default" = 0; name = "Regular"; position = 2; }, { id = 779; "integer_price" = 25; "is_default" = 1; name = "Kids"; position = 3; } ); position = 1; } ); position = 1; quantity = "<null>"; "soft_purchase_limit" = 0; "sub_category" = "T-Shirts"; "sub_sub_category" = Other; "updated_at" = "2014-11-10T04:02:42.730+00:00"; } ), concessions: ( { description = ""; id = 20; location = "Section 110 - Next to Frank's hotdog stand"; name = Shortcut; } )]
The order call where you would need to provide the appropriate information so we can process the order
(["order": { "client_calculated_total" = 1000; "delivery_choice" = pickup; "event_id" = 577; "integer_tip" = 0; "order_items_attributes" = ( { "inventory_id" = 511; "options_attributes" = ( { "inventory_option_id" = 670; }, { "inventory_option_id" = 671; } ); quantity = 1; } ); }, "stripe_token": token])
You would receive a 200 response. Since your event is using location, it would be more complicated than this example. If this is the route you think would be best, I can write up a proper documentation.
This path might result in a there be dragons situation.
#3. SDKs.
You would end up with an integrated webview experience optimized for mobile and touch events. Similar to http://shortcutapp.com/events/583-mk-dons/menu (when viewed in a mobile browser)
Nearly as easy as deep linking, the experience would be quite good for the consumer.
// iOS example: Install the Shortcut SDK with pod
override func viewDidLoad() {
let shortcut = ShortcutApp.initWithEvent("12345", completion: completionBlock)
navigationController?.pushViewController(shortcut, animated: true)
// Android example: in build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.shortcutapp.android:example-package'
// in activity
ShortcutApp shortcutApp = new ShortcutApp("12345", {
@Override void
// your code