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Last active March 3, 2023 20:12
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Blender Script unity Installer
public static class BlenderInstallScript
//change this to your own import script
private static string blenderScriptRepo = "";
private static string blenderScripFileName = "";
private static string blenderScriptInstallPath = @"Data\Tools";
private static string backupSuffix = ".back";
static BlenderInstallScript()
public static void CheckBlenderEnhancedImporterInstallation()
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Loading Blender Enhanced Importer Repo", "", 0);
var repoPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "BlenderEnhancedImporter");
if(Directory.Exists(repoPath).Not()) Repository.Clone(blenderScriptRepo, repoPath, new CloneOptions(){});
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Loading Blender Enhanced Importer Repo", "", 50);
var repo = new Repository(repoPath);
Commands.Pull(repo, new Signature("TMP", "TMP", DateTimeOffset.Now), new PullOptions());
var repoFileName = Path.Combine(repoPath, blenderScripFileName);
var unityEditorPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(EditorApplication.applicationPath);
var installFileName = Path.Combine(unityEditorPath, blenderScriptInstallPath, blenderScripFileName);
var installedFile = File.ReadAllText(installFileName);
var repoFile = File.ReadAllText(repoFileName);
if (installedFile.Equals(repoFile))
$"{installFileName} already match <{blenderScriptRepo}/{blenderScripFileName}> no need to reinstall");
var backupFileName = installFileName + backupSuffix;
var valid = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(
"Blender Enhanced Importer Install",
$"{blenderScriptInstallPath} differs from {blenderScriptRepo}/{blenderScripFileName}, would you like to update ? Won't delete previous backup",
"Install and Backup", "Cancel");
if (!valid) return;
Debug.Log($"Copy <{repoFileName}> to <{installFileName}>, backup if does not exist to <{backupFileName}>");
if (File.Exists(backupFileName).Not()) //do not erase backup
File.Copy(installFileName, backupFileName, false);
File.Copy(repoFileName, installFileName, true);
catch (Exception e)
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