Created 2013-12-10
Howto install the logitech media server formerly known as squeezebox server on Cubieboard 2 (arm linux) via cubian.
- Cubian:
- Site:
- Current version: LogitechMediaServer_v7.7.3
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales # choose en_US.UTF-8, de_DE.UTF-8 (the later just for my convenience)
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata # i choose Europe/Berlin
sudo apt-get install build-essential bzip2
This keeps the system perl untouched.
wget -O - | bash
Append the follwoing to ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc:
source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc
Re-login to the machine or start a new zsh or just source the mentioned file.
Now install perl-5.14 to the home directory:
perlbrew install perl-5.12.4 -D usethreads -D use64bitint -A ccflags=-fno-stack-protector -A ldflags=-fno-stack-protector
perlbrew switch perl-5.14.2
sudo apt-get install zlib1g zlib1g-dev
sudo apt-get install subversion
svn co slimdevices-vendor
cd slimdevices-vendor/CPAN
export PERL_514=$HOME/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.14.2/bin/perl5.14.2
The perl modules can be found in $HOME/slimdevices-vendor/CPAN/build/5.12/lib/perl5/armv7l-linux-thread-multi-64int
or if on a different arch, in the corresponding directory.
tar xvfz logitechmediaserver-7.7.3-noCPAN.tgz
cd logitechmediaserver-7.7.3-1375965195-noCPAN
perl -I $HOME/slimdevices-vendor/CPAN/build/5.12/lib/perl5/armv7l-linux-thread-multi-64int ./ -v
Browse to http://your-ip:9000/ to try the server.
Place the attached logitechmediaserver
file to /etc/init.d
To make the server really autostart on boot:
sudo update-rc.d logitechmediaserver defaults
Announce device in local network without hassle and messing with DNS:
sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon
Spindown harddisk to reduce noise:
cat /etc/hdparm.conf
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST9500325AS_5VEGWP68 {
apm = 1
spindown_time = 12
cat /etc/sysfs.conf
devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq = 60000
devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq = 60000