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Created November 24, 2020 10:58
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AoC19 Day 2 optimization attemt
runProgramAt :: Int -> Memory -> Memory
runProgramAt pc m = let opcode = m M.! pc
left = m M.! (m M.! (pc + 1))
right = m M.! (m M.! (pc + 2))
result = m M.! (pc + 3)
next = pc + 4 in
case opcode of
-- 99 signals the end of execution, so just return the memory
99 -> m
-- 1 indicates addition (left + right -> result)
1 -> runProgramAt next $ M.alter (Just (left + right)) result m
-- 2 indicates multiplication (left * right -> result)
2 -> runProgramAt next $ M.alter (Just (left * right)) result m
-- otherwise, we return memory itself.
otherwise -> m
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