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mcfrojd / Shield_Intents.MD
Last active February 2, 2025 04:45
Working INTENTS to use with Community Add-ons: Android Debug Bridge for your Nvidia Shield TV

Latest Update 2021-03-06 : New image showing the new "Services" in Home Assistant and got some tips from the comments below.

Credits and thanks: Home Assistant Forum users & Github users: @ocso, @wiphye, @teachingbirds, @tboyce1, @simbesh, @JeffLIrion @ff12 @rebmemer @siaox @DiederikvandenB @Thebuz @clapbr @Finsterclown

Start apps on your android device (in the examples below, my Nvidia Shield TV) from Home Assistant

alt text

Starts Youtube App

entity_id: media_player.shield
command: >-
prestia /
Last active October 13, 2023 23:22
Instructions on how to install Magic the Gathering Arena on macOS with Retina support.

Installing MTGA on macOS using Wine, and making it look pretty!

The following instructions are heavily inspired by /u/uhohohdear. I modified uhohohdear's instructions and then added support for Retina/HiDPI displays and instructions about how to update MTGA.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: This will no longer work if you upgrade to macOS Catalina, as Wine and Wineskin are 32-bit. I'll update this Gist with 64-bit versions when they become available.

We're back in business!

It appears that the workarounds no longer work. A few people with Macs using Nvidia graphics cards are having success, but Macs with Intel and AMD GPUs crash regularly. At this time, the best way to play Arena on Mac is via Boot Camp or GeForce Now.

spacemeowx2 /
Last active October 15, 2020 23:08
build switch lan play on termux
pkg install -y cmake make clang libpcap-dev git
git clone
mkdir switch-lan-play/build
pushd switch-lan-play/build
cmake ..
cp ./switch-lan-play/build/src/lan-play .

Enable bbr on Ubuntu 16.04

  1. Make sure kernel version is 4.9 or newer:

    uname -r

    Install Hardware Enablement Stack (HWE) to update kernel automaticly:

在hass中用Google Home语音控制小米扫地机器人
sdnts /
Last active January 10, 2023 20:50
Postman pm.sendRequest example

To send a request via the sandbox, you can use pm.sendRequest.

pm.test("Status code is 200", function () {
    pm.sendRequest('', function (err, res) {
        pm.expect(res)'code', 200);
        pm.expect(res)'status', 'OK');
takeit /
Last active September 22, 2024 15:20
Write to NTFS on macOS Sierra (osxfuse + ntfs-3g)
  1. Install osxfuse:
brew cask install osxfuse
  1. Reboot your Mac.

  2. Install ntfs-3g:

susnmos /
Created June 15, 2017 17:10
A script for cycript
// 打印按钮的action及其target
function actionWithTargets(button) {
var allTargets = [button allTargets].allObjects();
if (!allTargets) {
return "is not a uicontrol"
var allShow = [];
for (var i = 0; i < allTargets.length; i++) {
var target = allTargets[i];
var actions = [button actionsForTarget: target forControlEvent: UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
rtrouton / gist:2ca6f001b3cecb5037825c7f9d2e422e
Created April 28, 2017 16:13
Xcode iOS simulator download URLs (as of Xcode 8.3.1)
iOS 10.2 Simulator:
iOS 10.1 Simulator:
iOS 10.0 Simulator:
iOS 9.3 Simulator:
iOS 9.2 Simulator:
iOS 9.1 Simulator:
iOS 9.0 Simulator:
iOS 8.4 Simulator: https://devimages.a